Tag: Cayman Islands Humane Society

Quillan and Quinn find puppy love at Fire Service
(CNS Local Life): A pair of three month old puppies from the Cayman Islands Humane Society were recently taken on a field trip to the Central Fire Station, raising awareness of their need for a new home while getting a little extra attention from the fire officers on duty. Last week the Humane Society said […]

What can be done about Humane Society flood problem?
Every time it rains the Humane Society gets flooded. Why doesn’t Dart do something humane and provide them with a safe and dry environment? Auntie’s answer: Yes, the Humane Society is unfortunately very prone to flooding, and not surprisingly the shelter was hit very hard with the downpour this week. In fact, a staff member […]

Wants to donate used items
I watched Marie Kondo on Netflix (the tidying and decluttering expert) and I am going to try and retake control of my house. After I have thanked and said goodbye to my shoes, clothes, fax machines, modems, printers, where should it go? I do not like the idea of just throwing away things I no […]

Pampered pooches get chance at forever home
(CNS Local Life): A recently opened dog daycare has teamed up with the Cayman Islands Humane Society to give shelter dogs a “staycation” and an opportunity to get adopted into a permanent home. Claudia Pilat, co-owner of Cay 9 Resort and Spa, said the programme offers one dog a week a “platinum spa package” which […]

Suggestions for donating toys
I want to donate some of my son’s toys to charity. Can you tell me where I can do this? Auntie’s answer: While I am always happy to find the answers to difficult questions and help people solve problems, I cannot deny it is also nice to be able to deal with a query such […]

Golf fundraiser scores for Humane Society
(CNS Local Life): Grant Thornton in the Cayman Islands hosted their second annual golf event last week in aid of the Cayman Islands Humane Society. On Thursday, 15 November, 72 budding golfers from around the globe came together, raising nearly $5,000 for the charity.

Local company lets the dogs out
(CNS Local Life): Staff from Nassau RE spent a recent afternoon walking dogs and bathing puppies at the Cayman Islands Humane Society (CIHS), while the company also donated $2,500 to support the work of the non-profit organisation. Over four hours on Friday, 5 October, the volunteers walked more than 30 dogs and bathed 25 puppies.

Pirate pooches prepare to parade
(CNS Local Life): The annual Pirate Pooch Parade, set for Saturday, 19 November, is a chance for swashbuckling canines and their owners to strut their stuff to benefit the Cayman Islands Humane Society. The dogs, dressed in pirate-themed costumes, and their “parents” will parade around a short section of Harbour Drive between 9am and 10:30am.

Dog-training group celebrates 10 years
(CNS Local Life): The dogs will be out on Sunday, 6 November as volunteers celebrate 10 years of bringing Cayman Islands Humane Society pooches for a break on the beach. The beach-training programme gives shelter dogs a chance to frolic in the sand and sea – as well as learn basic commands. Launched in 2006, […]