Tag: Cayman Islands National Weather Service

Why weather forecasts not more accurate?
With all the equipment and manpower that Cayman has, why can’t someone produce an accurate weather prediction? Miami can pinpoint a shower to the exact minute. Why can’t we at least get the days correct? Auntie’s answer: It seems to me that weather forecasters have always been among the most-maligned professions. If someone predicts a […]

National Weather Service unveils mobile app
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS) has launched a mobile app, which offers a suite of products specific to the Cayman Islands.

Weather service interns learn forecasting
(CNS Local Life): Three students have interned at the Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS) this year, enabling them to gain hands-on experience in the field of forecasting. In addition to taking on interns, the service has also hosted class visits from both public and private schools.

Crowds get to eye Hurricane Hunter up close
(CNS Local Life): About 1,000 people, comprising students from 12 different schools and members of the public, took advantage of a rare opportunity to tour a Hurricane Hunter aircraft on Wednesday, 26 April. The plane made a one-day stop at Owen Roberts International Airport’s General Aviation Terminal yesterday to promote hurricane readiness. The crowds were […]

National Weather Service staff honoured
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS) honoured two employees at its Christmas party, held 25 November. Shamal Clarke was voted employee of the year and Avalon Porter was awarded for marking 35 years with the service. Clarke, who took up his role as a meteorologist in January, is the youngest member […]