Tag: Customs Department

Is importing licence-plate covers allowed?
Could you maybe look into why the importation of such (licence-plate) covers is not banned? Auntie’s answer: This question was asked in a comment on a column that ran in January, “Stop obscuring licence plates”. They say timing is everything, so I want to point out that the column in question is from January this […]

Clarifying duty-free rules
I was wondering if I can bring in tobacco, and/or spirits, in excess of the duty-free allowance, for my personal use, under the $500 allowance; i.e., if I only spend $100 at Target can I bring in $200 worth of Bailey’s, and $200 of Marlboro lights for my $500? Auntie’s answer: This is one of […]

Explaining the new Customs policy
Several months ago, it was reported that you no longer have to complete customs declaration forms if you have not exceeded your entitlement/concession. However, our customs officers are still expecting completed forms from everyone. What are the facts?

Reselling duty-free cigarettes
A friend of mine travels regularly to Florida. Even though he does not smoke, on his return he always brings a carton of duty-free cigarettes. He in turn sells the cigarettes privately in Cayman. I’ve told my friend that this may be illegal and it could affect his work permit if he is stopped by […]

Cayman Customs train TCI officers
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Customs Department has been providing on-the-job training for three customs officers from the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) in different aspects of the department’s operations. The training, which ran from 6-17 June, marked the first time in the Cayman Islands for team leader TCI Assistant Collector of Enforcement June […]

Customs staff recognised for customer service
(CNS Local Life): Four customs staffers were commended on Friday, 31 March 2017 in a surprise celebration for their excellent customer service. Customs officers Barry Solomon, Brandi Sherieff and Kara Ebanks as well as customs porter Stephen Walton received fruit baskets as tokens of appreciation presented jointly by a member of the Cayman Islands public […]

New customs officers celebrated
(CNS Local Life): After a 16-week course run by the Customs Department, 14 trainees have graduated as customs officers, an achievement celebrated at a ceremony held Friday, 10 March. Receiving their certificates were Stephen Anderson, Vannasa Bailey, Prisilla Berry, Eddree Fisher, Leonard Hydes, George Jackson, Miguel McFarlane, Christopher McField, Colbert Miller, Marcia Myles, Jessie Peynado, […]

Customs officers move up the ladder
(CNS Local Life): The Customs Department has promoted seven officers in keeping with its policy on succession planning, and following a competitive selection process. The newly promoted officers are Lisa Kelly, Tina Campbell and Vivine Mohanty, who are now assistant collectors of customs; and Vienie Vernon, Crystal McField-Baldwin, Don Parsons and Prisilla Berry, who have […]

Customs officers start 2017 with promotions
(CNS Local Life): Acting deputy collectors Kevin Walton and Jeff Jackson have been promoted to deputy collectors in the Customs Department, effective 1 January 2017. Congratulating the officers, Collector of Customs Charles Clifford said, “I am confident they will continue to effectively lead the officers under their command and will do our country proud.”

Customs celebrate retiree’s decades of service
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Customs Department celebrated Langlie Powery and his 37 years of service at his retirement ceremony on Friday, 16 September 2016. The retired customs training manager received high praise from officials, colleagues and friends for his commitment and dedication to government service. Powery began his career with the Cayman Islands […]

Issue with duty assessed on visitor
A visiting relative was stopped by customs at the airport and asked to pay duty on some baby clothes gifts she purchased for her granddaughter, only four items of clothing worth less than US$100. Is this correct? I thought on the white form given to us on the plane it says you can purchase items […]

Calculating duty on imported goods
How are imported goods assessed at Customs for duties? Is it even remotely possible that the duties cost more than the cost of items paid? What guidelines are they following and is this accessible to the public? Auntie’s answer: Admittedly in the hopes of avoiding having to go through the Customs Law myself, I contacted […]

K-9 units impress young students at school fair
(CNS): Sniffer dogs from the departments of customs and agriculture put on a show along with their handlers at the Prospect Primary School Careers Fair held Friday, 20 May 2016. Customs K-9 unit’s Labrador retriever, Nugget, and Belgian Malinois, Bolt, demonstrated how they detect contraband, from drugs to guns, at all entry points into the […]

Brac officers brush up on customs laws
(CNS): A group of Cayman Brac customs officers last month received refresher training in various customs and other related laws, general procedures and techniques. Deputy Collector of Customs Marlon Bodden and Assistant Collector of Customs Philip West trained the 11 officers 11-15 April at the Cayman Brac Heritage House and District Administration Building.

Customs Department lauds retiring officer
(CNS): Retiring Senior Customs Officer William Watson was celebrated for his commitment and dedication over 33 years in government service at an event held at the department’s headquarters earlier this month. He was also lauded for using his considerable technical and automotive expertise on government’s behalf.

Customs welcomes four new officers
(CNS): As four new customs officers entered the service last week, having gone through three months of intensive training, Finance Minister Marco Archer encouraged them to apply the Customs Laws and Regulations fairly and fearlessly and warned them to “aoid temptation and corruption in conducting your duties”. Monique Barnett, Christopher Myles, Gerome Bodden and George […]

Senior officer secures assistant collector’s job second time around
(CNS): Philip West beat out six other candidates recently to secure the Assistant Collector of Customs (ACC) post in his second go at trying out for the management position. Senior customs officer of the year in 2014, West has served more than 24 years in the department. As a certified instructor he has played a […]

Retiring civil servant posts perfect attendance
(CNS): Assistant Collector of Customs Trevor Williams is retiring at the end of the month with an impressive record of more than 39 years of public service without taking one sick day.