Tag: Department of Environment

DoE recycles over 300lbs of fishing line
(CNS Local Life): Since the Department of Environment (DoE) installed fishing line recycling bins around the Cayman Islands at dive shops, docks and boat ramps, the team has collected more than 300lbs, saving many miles of the nylon twine from hurting the local marine life. The line is then shipped overseas for recycling with help […]

Can I feed cheese to fish in Cayman’s waters?
Is it OK to spray canned cheese into the water to attract fish when snorkelling? I’ll be coming to visit the Cayman Islands soon and I’ve heard that the fish really love that stuff but not sure that is a good idea. Auntie’s answer: Well, from a purely common-sense standpoint, it is hard for me […]

Who do I contact if I spot green iguanas?
How do you report green iguana sightings on Grand Cayman? I have done some online research and there are phone numbers for Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, but I cannot find anything for Grand Cayman. Auntie’s answer: The Department of Environment (DoE), which oversees the green iguana culling programme, maintains a list of all the […]

How are beaches kept clear of Sargassum?
We love the Cayman Islands and people and we visit almost every year to enjoy our hard-earned and long-awaited vacations. Later this year we have reservations for accommodations on the East End of Grand Cayman and also on the Sister Islands. We understand that the heavy influx of Sargassum seaweed this year is a problem […]

Cullers needed for next lionfish tournament
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman United Lionfish League (CULL) will be holding another tournament aimed at reducing the numbers of this invasive species, amidst organisers’ concerns that the population may be increasing. The tournament is set for Saturday and Sunday, 8-9 June, at the George Town Yacht Club. While CULL aims to make the events […]

Conch/whelk seasons close on 1 May
The Cayman Islands annual conch and whelk seasons close on Wednesday, 1st May 2019. Anyone possessing, attempting to sell or attempting to buy locally-caught conch or whelks during the closed seasons, which last from 1 May through to 31 October each year, will face prosecution under the National Conservation Law (NCL). The open seasons for […]

Seminar promotes safe lighting for baby turtles
(CNS Local Life): The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) and Department of Environment (DoE) jointly hosted a seminar on turtle-friendly lighting for Seven Mile Beach business owners and property managers on Monday, 18 March. The idea is to set up lighting on beachfront properties that will not cause confusion to hatchlings during nesting season […]

DoE looking to fill Brac position
Would you find out if DoE has any plans to replace the former marine officer on the Brac? Auntie’s answer: This question came up in the comments this week under this article: Local grouper sites offer hope for species survival. I contacted the Department of Environment for a response and once more I received a […]

Do iguana cullers carry liability protection?
Can you find out if those who have registered to cull the green iguanas have liability insurance? No one I know doing this will talk about that. Auntie’s answer: The issue is a bit complicated and the answer not that straightforward. I received an explanation from the Department of Environment (DoE), which is in charge […]

Why are trees being cut down on the beach?
I refer to a reader who asked: “And why the hell did they cut down those shady pine needle trees that were near the water on the beach side?” Aren’t SMB and everything on it protected by law? Who and why had cut those trees down? Who permitted the action? SMB is a national treasure […]

Regulating use of spear guns
What are the current laws on importing spear guns or spear gun parts? Can any Caymanian with a clean police record obtain a spear gun licence? Auntie’s answer: I contacted the Department of Environment (DoE) and an official explained that the spear gun licensing programme is being updated to take into account the amendments that […]

DoE officer praised for commitment to turtles
(CNS Local Life): Department of the Environment (DoE) conservation officer Chadd Oliver Bush has been named the Cayman Islands Government Employee of the Month for July 2018. Deputy Governor Franz Manderson presented the certificate to Bush on Friday, 31 August, for developing “exceptional leadership qualities by being highly engaged and motivated in achieving results in […]

Visitor wants licence to fish in Cayman
I will be visiting in September. I would like to buy a fishing licence so I can fish from shore. Where can I buy one for a non-resident? Auntie’s answer: There is no requirement to get a fishing licence in the Cayman Islands, either for residents or visitors. A Department of Environment (DoE) official explained […]

How do you keep scorpions away?
UPDATED: Recently I’ve found a couple of scorpions in my house. I was able to deal with them but have a few questions. How do they get into the house and how do you stop them from coming? Also, am I correct that the scorpions found here are not lethal? Auntie’s answer: I have just […]

Leave the sea turtles alone
I saw people at Public Beach recently pick up a turtle that was trying to come in presumably to lay eggs. Only when I said something to them did they put it down and leave it alone, but the turtle then swam back out and didn’t come back. Would you remind people that live and […]

What happened to the ‘floating restaurant’?
I went for a boat ride the other day in Governors Harbour and I noticed that the rusting hulk of the wanna-be Stingray City Floating Restaurant, formerly known as MV Aqua, is no longer anchored there. I am hoping that it was safely disposed of and that the owners did not just take it to […]

Divers log in to benefit sharks
(CNS Local Life): For the past two years a volunteer group of sharkloggers has been assisting the Department of Environment (DoE) in gathering important data on sharks, in turn helping to understand, manage and ultimately protect their population in Cayman. Sharkloggers record sightings during a dive, noting location, time and species, which will be used […]