Tag: Dwayne Seymour

Minister’s message for World Blood Donor Day
Minister of Health Dwayne Seymour writes: Each year the Cayman Islands is proud to join the global family celebrating World Blood Donor Day (14 June). This year’s theme “safe blood for all” seeks to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products. It is also a time when we express our appreciation […]

Minister’s message for Vaccination Week in the Americas
Minister of Health Dwayne Seymour writes: This week the Cayman Islands has once again joined in the observance of Vaccination Week in the Americas (20-27 April 2019). The 2019 campaign slogan “Protect your community. Do your part. #GetVax” reminds us all that we each have an important role to play in supporting vaccination and keeping […]

Minister’s message for Earth Day
Minister of Environment Dwayne Seymour writes: ‘Protect Our Species’ is the theme of this year’s Earth Day celebrations, and in my view, it is a fitting one to mark all that we have achieved in the Cayman Islands, such as the recent approval of the expansion and enhancement of our marine parks in March, our […]

Minister’s message for World Health Day
Minister of Health Dwayne Seymour writes: World Health Day (Sunday, 7 April) is a time for decision-makers, educators, advocates, and, indeed, the whole community to consider how we can improve health outcomes around the world and in our local communities. The 2019 international focus on universal health coverage continues from last year, with particular attention […]

Minister’s message for World AIDS Day
Minister for Health Dwayne Seymour writes: On Saturday, 1 December 2018, the Cayman Islands joins countries around the globe in marking the 30th anniversary of World AIDS Day.Much has changed since that first observance, but this year’s theme reminds us that it is still of the utmost importance to “Know Your Status”. HIV testing is […]

Minister’s message for World Diabetes Day
Minister for Health Dwayne Seymour writes: “The Family and Diabetes” is this year’s theme for World Diabetes Day which the global community, including the Cayman Islands, will observe on Wednesday, 14 November. The theme will carry over into 2019 for continued and focused attention on the impact that diabetes has on the family; to promote […]

Minister’s message for World Mental Health Day
Minister for Health Dwayne Seymour writes: Every year World Mental Health Day reminds us all that it is as important to focus on healthy minds as much as on healthy bodies.

World Habitat Day message
Health Minister Dwayne Seymour: Each year, the United Nations designates the first Monday in October as World Habitat Day, reflecting on the fact that, while we all have a right to decent housing, we all also share a responsibility to make our communities and homes cleaner and safer.

Minister’s message for International Day of the Seafarer
Minister for Culture Dwayne Seymour writes: It gives me great pleasure today (25 June) to commemorate the International Day of the Seafarer. Here in the Cayman Islands our rich maritime heritage plays a very important part in determining who we are as a culture. One thing that many Caymanians and residents have in common, regardless […]

Minister’s message for World Blood Donor Day
Minister for Health Dwayne Seymour writes: Today (14 June), we in the Cayman Islands once again join global activities to mark World Blood Donor Day. This observance celebrates one the most noble of acts that we, as humans, can perform on behalf of our fellow community members. A blood donor is a special kind of […]

Message from the minister to mark World Oceans Day
Environment Minister Dwayne Seymour writes: Our Islands are known for many things, one of the most important of them being our beautiful sea. Seeing that the Caribbean Sea and wider oceans are such a vital part of the history and identity of the Cayman Islands, we want to do all we can to protect and […]

Minister’s message for World Vaccination Week
(Minister for Health Dwayne Seymour): This month, from 21 to 28 April, the Cayman Islands and other countries in the region will celebrate the 16th Vaccination Week in the Americas, with a soccer theme in honour of the 2018 World Cup. The campaign slogan, “Strengthen your defence! #GetVax #VaccinesWork”, links strengthening defence on the football […]

Minister’s message for World Health Day
Health Minister Dwayne Seymour: To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Cayman Islands will be holding World Health Day activities from 9 to 13 April. WHO’s constitution came into force on 7 April 1948. This year, the Cayman Islands will celebrate a week of activities commencing on Monday, 9 April.

Minister’s message for World Diabetes Day
Minister for Health Dwayne Seymour: As Minister for Health, I fully support this annual date on our calendar. I also urge everyone to listen and pay attention to the information received from your healthcare professionals on the subject of diabetes and ways in which this serious illness can be prevented and controlled. Diabetes is a […]

Minister’s message for World Blood Donor Day
(Minister for Health Dwayne Seymour): As we mark World Blood Donor Day on 14 June, I take this opportunity to remind everybody in the Cayman Islands about the importance of giving blood. It cannot be taken for granted that there will always be blood available if you, or a loved one, need it for routine […]