Tag: George Town Primary School

School award named for local lawyer
(CNS Local Life): The Maples Group has sponsored an award established by George Town Primary School in honour of a former student who is now an associate at the law firm. The Alicia Thompson Award, which recognises academic and extra-curricular excellence despite challenging personal circumstance, debuted at the school’s year 6 graduation ceremony in June.

Duchess of Cornwall in packed tour of Grand Cayman
(CNS Local Life): Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, in her hectic solo tour of Grand Cayman on Thursday, 28 March, while Prince Charles was in the Sister Islands, officially opened Jasmine Villa, visited the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre and stopped by George Town Primary School. The ceremony to open the new home for what was […]

Good sports at George Town Primary
(CNS Local Life): George Town Primary School students had a chance to show off their skills in track and field during two days of sports held at the adjacent Annex Field. Several government officials were on hand to encourage the youngsters as they competed in various events at their inter-primary sports competition on 7 and […]

PIN students celebrated at George Town Primary
(CNS Local Life): The PIN (Positive Intervention Now) programme celebrated the end of another school year helping George Town Primary students, with a closing ceremony, held Thursday, 15 June, which included parents, sponsors, students, school representatives and volunteers. The event showcases the efforts of the youngsters, with children who excelled over the year given special […]

Prisoners answer the bell to help primary school
(CNS): One recent Saturday morning, a group of prisoners from HMP Northward came out to help George Town Primary School principal Marie Martin in unloading containers that had been packed since Hurricane Ivan in 2004 with items salvaged from the school. Martin had contacted Richard Barton, a manager at the prison, for assistance in unloading, […]

Ministry partners with local businesses to build kids arts centre
(CNS): A group of local businesses have entered into a public-private partnership with the education ministry to build a children’s performing arts centre at George Town Primary School. The “black box theatre” will be the first dedicated space of its kind in Cayman and will be available for all schools and community events. Government is […]