Tag: Pedestrian crossing

NRA to install pedestrian crossings
(CNS Local Life): The National Roads Authority (NRA) is getting ready to launch a pilot scheme for lighted pedestrian crossings to be installed along the CNB roundabout arteries, through the newly built extension, to the new roundabout at the intersection of Crewe Road and Printers Way (near Mango Tree Restaurant). The purpose of the scheme, […]

Why don’t we have traffic lights at crosswalks?
Why didn’t the NRA put walk/don’t walk pedestrian crossings to stop the situation that one pedestrian crosses, gets to the other side, another one starts to cross… cars still waiting… that pedestrian crosses then two more decide they want to cross, etc. It would make much more sense to have this synched so traffic moves […]

Traffic lights need buttons for pedestrians
Why is it that the pedestrian crossings in central George Town have not been outfitted with the button-operated lights as has been done for other relatively new crossings? These GT crossings are the most used and these lights would certainly benefit pedestrians and drivers (providing they have a delay between activations) if/when installed. Then the […]