Tag: Permanent residence

Divorce and applying for PR
I have been on island for the past 9 1/2 years and currently married to a Caymanian for four years. I received my RERC (Residency and Employment Rights Certificate) in 2015, which will expire in 2022. We have no kids together. My wife and I are having marital problems and she wants a divorce. My […]

Naturalisation and applying for Caymanian status
I have permanent residence and am hoping eventually to be granted Caymanian status. Do I need to be naturalised to get status and/or would it make the process quicker? Auntie’s answer: If you are only interested in a one-word reply, the simple answer is “yes”, you must be naturalised before applying for Caymanian status. If […]

Refund when withdrawing PR application
If you wish to withdraw your PR application (cause it is taking too long to hear back) will the fees be refunded back to you? As it only mentioned that the fees will be refunded if the application is not approved, but no mention of withdrawing. Please advise. Auntie’s answer: The situation is the same […]

Concern over PR application not being processed
I submitted my permanent residence (PR) application 18 months ago and according to the Immigration Department applications received since the change in law are not being dealt with, and no-one can say when they will be. I’m coming up to 10 years on Island. What happens now? Will I be rolled over? Auntie’s answer: The […]