Tag: University College of the Cayman Islands

UCCI transitions to online teaching and learning
Monday, 30 March will mark two weeks since the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) transitioned to online teaching and learning as part of the university’s contingency plan to minimise the risk of transmitting COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, to its students, faculty and staff and the greater community.

School for coders set to open
(CNS Local Life): Cayman’s first immersive code academy is opening its doors with its goal to help teach people who want to pursue careers in technology to become programmers, developers and coders. Cayman Code Academy, established by Cayman Enterprise City (CEC) and the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI), is based on a curriculum […]

Registration opens for fall term at UCCI
(CNS Local Life): The University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) opened its doors to new students for the fall semester on Friday, 23 August, kicking off a week of orientation and registration activities. Minister of Education Juliana O’Connor-Connolly attended Friday’s session and presented ten winning students $250 vouchers to use towards their tuition.

UCCI campus gets summer cleaning
(CNS Local Life): Students and staff at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) have been working together to clean up the campus, painting the parking blocks and clearing away debris. The cleanup team’s main goal is to help create an “inviting atmosphere” for the university community returning later this month.

Cisco exec to speak at UCCI commencement
(CNS Local Life): Shari Slate, vice president of Cisco Systems, will be the keynote speaker at the University of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) commencement ceremony set for Thursday, 7 November. A first-generation American whose family hails from Cayman Brac and Jamaica, Slate is also the chief inclusion and collaboration officer for the global tech company.

UCCI students take ‘business trip’ to Honduras
(CNS Local Life): A group comprising 43 students, faculty, staff and friends participated in an immersive overseas learning experience in Roatan, Honduras by joining the University College of the Cayman Islands’ (UCCI) annual International Business Practicum (IBP). The eighth in the series of travel abroad courses offered by the UCCI Department of Business Studies (DBS), […]

UCCI grad earns scholarship for further studies
(CNS Local Life): Laurent Bodden, a graduate of the University College of the Cayman Islands’ (UCCI) hospitality programme, will be pursuing further studies in food and beverage management, with the help of a scholarship from international spice and seasoning business, McCormick & Company. Through the company’s McCormick Global Ingredients Limited (MGIL) and its Wendy Bullock […]

UCCI students take second place at tourism competition
(CNS Local Life): Students from the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI), earned second place in the annual Caribbean Student Colloquium held in New York. The team tied for second with the University of the West Indies Mona Campus team at the colloquium, which was part of the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s (CTO) Caribbean Week […]

UCCI students take on ethics challenge
(CNS Local Life): The CFA Society of Cayman Islands (CFASCI) held its inaugural Ethics Challenge at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) on 1 April, in which seven teams of three students each competed in analysing and evaluating a case study identifying ethical dilemmas.

US chooses UCCI professor for Pakistan project
(CNS Local Life): The US Department of State has selected Dr Ivan Eubanks, assistant professor at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI), for a one-month English Language Specialist project focusing on academic writing for publication in Pakistan at that country’s Higher Education Commission. Dr Eubanks is one of approximately 80 US citizens chosen […]

First woman president of UCCI inaugurated
(CNS Local Life): Outlining a vision of the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) as “key to national prosperity” and promising that “the success of our students will be the stars that guide us through the night sky”, Dr Stacy McAfee officially took up the mantle as UCCI president and CEO on Tuesday, 12 […]

Small businesses get free advice
(CNS Local Life):Owners of small business will once again be able to receive free and confidential advice to solve their business problems through the Student Consulting Programme, which kicked off its 11th year, Wednesday, 6 February. Under this initiative, small businesses are partnered with upper-level business students of the University College of the Cayman Islands […]

UWI officials visit Cayman
(CNS Local Life): Pro Vice Chancellor (PVC) and Principal of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus, Dr Luz Longsworth, recently made an official visit to the Cayman Islands, the first in her current position. During the 29 November-1 December trip, she met with Cayman government and education representatives.

CEC receives UCCI President’s Medal
(CNS Local Life): Roy Bodden, president of the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI), presented Charlie Kirkconnell, CEO of Cayman Enterprise City (CEC), with the President’s Medal at the 1 November 2018 commencement ceremony held in Sir Vassel Johnson Hall. The award was given in recognition of CEC’s longstanding and on-going commitment to supporting […]

Registration open for UCCI STEM camp
(CNS Local Life): The University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) will be holding its STEM Summer Camp from 20-24 August, which is the first and only one of its kind in the Cayman Islands. The aim of the camp is to combine science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) subjects in a fun and interactive […]

UCCI dean elected to accreditation board
(CNS Local Life): Dr JD Mosley-Matchett, Interim Dean of Academic Affairs and Director of Graduate Studies at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI), has been elected to the board of commissioners of the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE). At its annual conference and assembly meeting held 17-20 April in New Orleans, […]