Archive for September 1st, 2016

Legal age for drinking alcohol
What is the legal drinking age in Cayman at a private home? In the UK it is 5; 16 for beer, wine or perry (alcoholic beverage made from pears) if ordered with a meal in a licensed premises; and 18 for everything else at a bar/pub/restaurant. As a lot of the laws are based on the […]

Take the plunge at the season’s first sea swim
(CNS): The 2016-17 Cayman Islands Amateur Swimming Association (CIASA) open-water season begins Saturday, 10 September with the 32nd annual Foster’s Sea Swim. This year, in addition to the traditional 800m swim, there is a 400m event for ages 12 and under which will not be timed and will take place while the results are being tallied for […]

Sagicor supports Cancer Society educational initiatives
(CNS): A corporate donation to the Cayman Islands Cancer Society will be used to help the organisation acquire presentation materials for its ongoing awareness and educational programmes. Sagicor Life Cayman Islands recently handed over more than US$1,400 to the Cancer Society to support its free community cancer-education initiatives. Jennifer Weber, operations manager for the Cancer […]

Complaint about state of recycling bins
On Monday, 15 August, I took my recycle bottles, cardboard and newspapers to the newly appointed collection stations, in particular Foster’s in Savannah and Hurley’s. At both locations the containers were overloaded and people forced to leave the recycled material in the open at the base of the containers. What happened to the collection and […]