Archive for September 20th, 2016

Worried about spraying of insecticide
What chemicals do the Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) spray from the plane and from the fogger trucks? I see that there are protests in Miami concerning the spraying of Naled, which is said to cause birth defects of all things. It has caused me to question what we are using and what the […]

Water company teaches students about desalination
(CNS Local Life): Cayman Water Company (CWC) recently launched a programme to educate primary school children about their tap water and the desalination process. According to a CWC press release, the school presentations were well-received by both students and teachers and the company is planning to continue the programme, the first of its kind in […]

Prospect team wins CERT competition
(CNS Local Life): The Prospect Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) took home the Chairman’s Challenge Cup in the second annual CERT Challenge, which was held at the Agriculture Grounds on Saturday, 17 September. Deputy Governor Franz Manderson, who is chairman of the National Hazard Management Council, presented the cup to the winning team.