Archive for September 8th, 2016

Nominations open for conservation awards
(CNS): The National Trust for the Cayman Islands, in conjunction with the Governor’s Office, is calling for nominations for the biennial Governor’s Conservation Awards, with the awards ceremony set for Tuesday, 8 November. The awards recognise conservation leaders in five categories: Conservationist of the Year, Corporate Conservation, Tourism Industry Conservation, Heritage Preservation and the Lois […]

West Bay firemen give back
(CNS): Members of the Cayman Islands Fire Service (CIFS) found an unexpected way to help a member of community. When staff at the West Bay fire station discovered that resident Albert Yates needed a new television, Acting Station Officer Brian Watler said no one thought twice about lending a helping hand.

Testing for the Zika virus
Two questions: 1) Can you please confirm what a person with Zika symptoms should do to get tested and what are the costs involved? 2) If I had Zika two months ago and did the test only today or this month since the cost of the test is reasonable, will it still show in the […]