CITA interns make the most of summer

Intern Sharmori Richardson (centre) with (from left) Hollie Whitelocke and Tiffany Dixon-Ebanks of CITA
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) hosted three interns this summer as part of its work with local schools and programmes to provide educational opportunities for students. CITA also provides information to those interested in the local tourism industry. The three young people gained work experience at the association’s executive office.
Of the three, Christine Powery and Sharmori Richardson are pursuing other tourism-related endeavours, with intern Kimberly Scott now working with a CITA member business, Health City Cayman Islands.
“We are so proud of these young people and it is an honour to see them grow and flourish, through on-the-job training during their time at CITA,” said CITA executive director Tiffany Dixon-Ebanks.
“I commend the current full-time staff at CITA for taking the time out of their busy schedules to guide these interns, with special thanks to our operations manager for making an extra effort to identify those who would like the opportunity to work with us, even if for a short period.”
This type of opportunity provides avenues for interns to improve their existing skills and gain new ones, and network with a wide variety of industry stakeholders and business owners across the Cayman Islands.
Powery, who interned this past June, was a top student in the School of Hospitality Studies at the University College of the Cayman Islands and received a Ministry of Tourism scholarship.
Scott, who worked from June to August, earned the Most Outstanding Award as a member of the 20th cohort of the Passport 2 Success programme. She called her internship at CITA an “amazing opportunity”. She managed the front desk at the visitor centre where she “learned how to greet walk-in guests and visitors, answer and transfer phone calls, update member benefit brochures, and provide administrative assistance to the executive director and staff”.
She added that the skills she learned have prepared her for her job as an apprentice medical receptionist. “This is all because of the great mentors I had at the Cayman Islands Tourism Association. It was truly a great honour working amongst such extraordinary women,” Scott said.
Richardson, who began his internship in July and will continue through December, is studying accounting and is the student council associate’s degree representative at the International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI).
“The Cayman Islands Tourism Association has given me the best work experience while pursuing my degree in accounting,” Richardson said. “Not only do they provide tasks related to my degree programme, but tasks that can contribute to my success in the accounting field overall. I look forward to being the accounting/admin Intern of the CITA for the rest of the year.”
In addition to hosting the interns, at the request of ICCI’s academic dean, Melisa Hamilton, CITA held a question-and-answer session this summer between students enrolled in a travel and tourism seminar and Kenneth Hydes, the association’s president.
“Overall it has been a successful summer for CITA and we look forward to continued success and growth throughout 2016,” said Hollie Whitelocke, CITA office/operations manager.
“The CITA wishes to sincerely thank our dedicated interns for their time and efforts in assisting our organisation. As a non-profit organisation, we also wish to convey sincere thanks to our loyal CITA members whose contributions make the important work that CITA does possible. The success of our tourism industry is an integral part of Cayman’s economy and being a part of training the next generation is truly rewarding beyond measure.”