Archive for November 2nd, 2016

How to use an A/C efficiently
Is it cheaper to run the air conditioner all day every day on a high setting than turn it off when you’re not at home? Auntie’s answer: You probably won’t be surprised to learn that you are not the first person to ask this question. I did some research on your behalf and found that […]

Cultural Foundation production a story well told
(CNS Local Life): Compelling and provocative are merely a few words to describe the Cayman National Cultural Foundation’s adaptation of American writer Donald Margulies’ play Collected Stories on at the Harquail Studio Theatre. Set in 1990s New York City, the play follows Ruth Steiner, a university professor and respected short story writer, as she opens […]

Company supports bone marrow registry
(CNS Local Life): Staff of a corporate-services company in Cayman recently held an impromptu 100-metre dash for charity. The seven Intertrust Cayman staff who took part each ran in support of a different organisation, sponsored by family, friends and colleagues, with the individual who raised the most funds winning the entire sum collected.

In search of the green flash
What is a green flash and how common is it in Cayman? Auntie’s answer: Let me start off by saying to anyone who thinks the green flash is a myth, the phenomenon is very real. I know it sounds like an old wives’ tale but it is an occurrence with a very scientific explanation behind […]