Archive for November 16th, 2016

Hates job but loves Cayman
What should I do if I hate my job but love living in the Cayman Islands and want to stay? Auntie’s answer: Let me start by saying that I can understand your feelings about Cayman and wanting to live here. You are certainly not unique in loving our islands. I can also sympathise with your […]

Cayman takes part in regional cultural workshop
(CNS Local Life): Ministry of Culture Deputy Chief Officer Nancy Barnard represented the Cayman Islands at the second Trinidad & Tobago national workshop for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage Convention (WHC). Delegates from most of the CARICOM countries participated in the 1-2 November meeting, as did two UK Overseas […]

Equestrians ride into new dressage season
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Equestrian Federation (CIEF) kicked off its National Dressage Series Sunday, 13 November. The series consists of four dressage shows between November and May, culminating in the naming of season champions in various categories at the CIEF’s annual awards dinner in June. Cindy Canace, a senior judge from the US, […]

St Ignatius hold Sir John A. Cumber in entertaining draw
(PFL): With two weeks remaining in the regular seasons of the 2016/2017 CUC Primary Football League (PFL) and Girls’ Primary Football League (GPFL), the pressure is on for those schools looking to secure a spot in the elite Champions Cup competition. This past Saturday, 12 November, St Ignatius Prep travelled to West Bay to take […]