Archive for November 4th, 2016

Cayman hosts world championship volleyball qualifier
(CNS Local Life): Cayman is gearing up to host the FIVB World Championship Qualifiers for Group C of the NORCECA region on 12-13 November at Clifton Hunter High School. At the tournament, the women’s national indoor volleyball team will go head to head against Bonaire, Bahamas and Guadeloupe. Cayman’s team, consisting of 13 players aged 16 to 37 years old and training since August of this year, […]

Dog-training group celebrates 10 years
(CNS Local Life): The dogs will be out on Sunday, 6 November as volunteers celebrate 10 years of bringing Cayman Islands Humane Society pooches for a break on the beach. The beach-training programme gives shelter dogs a chance to frolic in the sand and sea – as well as learn basic commands. Launched in 2006, […]

Prison Service officer earns top employee award
(CNS Local Life): HM Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS) Officer Mark Purnwasy was named Employee of the Month for October 2016. Prison Director Neil Lavis said he was nominated for upholding the moral code of conduct for the Prison Service, and exemplifying the principles of decency, integrity, commitment and excellence. Lavis presented Officer Purnwasy, who […]