Archive for November 17th, 2016

Are diners required to pay automatic gratuities?
What’s the legal position on gratuities in Cayman? I’ve had kickback when I’ve asked restaurants to remove an automatic gratuity of 16%. If this is really voluntary, I’d prefer to make my own decision rather than a random rate selected by the restaurant owner as enough to compensate their staff as they don’t pay them […]

Brac trains for mass casualty emergency
(CNS Local Life): Between 7 and 11 November, 20 people in Cayman Brac received training in mass casualty management (MCM), in a course sponsored by the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and Hazard Management Cayman Islands (HMCI). Course coordinator, HMCI Awareness and Communications Officer Simon Boxall explained, “Sometime ago we were able to train a […]

Fire Service holds high-rise training
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Fire Service recently held a full-scale training exercise, and reviewed all strategies and tactics on how to react when a high-rise emergency occurs. Chief Fire Officer David Hails said “Operation Up Close and Personal” was a success for his department, as a group of firefighters completed the training exercise […]

Cayman to host boxing star’s ‘rumble’
(CNS): Boxing fans are said to be in for a spectacular event in the New Year following the announcement that a legend of the sport will be hosting a major bout in Cayman. Local fighters will be taking part in an international competition with boxing star Manny Pacquiao when he hosts the “Island Rumble”. Part […]