Government turns to sports for newest heroes

| 14/08/2017
CNS Local Life

Members of organising committee with (L-R, front) Ministry of Culture Chief Officer Jennifer Ahearn, Dwayne Seymour, Barbara Conolly and Capt. Eugene Ebanks

The government is looking to give out its next batch of local gongs to sports women and men who have excelled in their fields. The 2018 National Heroes Day is still more than five months away but the nominations committee has already held their first meeting and begun planning the annual national event. The committee, which includes government officials and representatives from local sports groups, will accept nominations from the public next month, officials said.

From 1 September, the public will be invited to nominate people who they feel have made significant contributions to sports in the Cayman Islands and the committee will then select the successful candidates to receive the various awards.

Minister for Culture Dwayne Seymour and Acting Minister for Sports Barbara Conolly, as well as the councillor for sports David Wight and councillor Capt. Eugene Ebanks all attended the first meeting.

“There are many local contributors in sports that these awards could be bestowed upon,” said Seymour. “I look forward to working with everyone as we plan this great event and go through the nominations from the public.”

Recipients will be recognised at the National Heroes Day ceremony scheduled for Monday, 22 January 2018. The award categories are as follows:

Early Pioneer: An individual, alive or deceased, who made significant contributions to the early development and/ordelivery of sports in the Cayman Islands prior to 1960.

Pioneer: An individual, alive or deceased, who has made significant contributions to sports between 1960 and 2006.

Emerging Pioneer: An individual who has made significant contributions to sports from 2007 to present.

Memorial Scroll:  A deceased person who was a leader or notable contributor to the development and/or delivery of sports.

Long Service Award: A living individual who may not have been a leader, but a long-serving person in the sports community, who has contributed for 10 years or more.


Category: Sports

Comments (8)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh please!! This is just an excuse to give non performers like Bernie Bush some stupid award when he can’t even get off his ass and do anything in west bay.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Vocational and Technical schools needed. Now!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    How do we submit nominations?

  4. Anonymous says:

    The land where everyone can be a “hero”.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ok seriously, can we please stop grasping at every little category to call people “heroes” come on people a Heroe is someone who performs a heroic action. Let’s stop getting so desperate to hand out medals to anyone & everyone for anything.

  6. Hap Less says:

    This should be a short list.

    Unless they are awarding every member of the White family……..

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you mean the Wight family????

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Having known the Wight, not White , family for over 45 years I can inform you that they made significant contributions to Football, Cricket and Tennis. Let me know if you need further information. My telephone number is 9460820.

      Always able to assist.