Archive for October 5th, 2017

Recycling should be required in Cayman
I’m wondering why recycling is not mandatory in Cayman Islands. We all know garbage is a problem worldwide. But looking at “Mount Trashmore”, it’s huge here. In the past we had two garbage collections weekly, cut back to one now. Why doesn’t DEH replace the second collection with a recyclable one? I do take my […]

Minister’s message for World Teachers’ Day
(Minister for Education Juliana O’Connor-Connolly): As Minister for Education, it is with immense pride that I express my appreciation for the profession that I hold most dear to my heart – teaching. Since 1994, on 5 October, we pause to honour all those that have persevered in this profession and the impact they have made […]

Older Persons Month begins
(CNS Local Life): Older Persons Month 2017 officially opened with a church service at the Agape Family Centre on Sunday, 1 October. Government officials who attended included Acting Governor Franz Manderson and his wife, Nuvia Manderson; Acting Premier/Minister for Community Affairs Roy McTaggart; Acting Chief Officer for Community Affairs Teresa Echenique; and Department of Children […]