Archive for January 23rd, 2018

Fired civil servant looking to appeal decision
I lost my job in the civil service due to what I believe was a false report filed on me. I also do not think the circumstances of my case were investigated properly. Is there an independent entity that could look into this and if it finds I was unfairly dismissed order my reinstatement? Auntie’s […]

Hospital promotes healthcare careers at school fair
(CNS Local Life): The Cayman Islands Health Services Authority (HSA) was tempting Clifton Hunter High School students into the healthcare profession last week at the school’s career fair. HSA’s interactive booth featured displays from various departments throughout the authority, including the pathology laboratory, dental unit, dietary services and EMS. Experts from each of the departments were on hand […]

Joggers to boost ‘kind’ charity’s coffers
(CNS Local Life): Cayman’s Acts of Random Kindness (ARK), a local charity that aims to improve the lives of those less fortunate through practical help, will be getting a windfall soon after Butterfield Bank announced that the cash raised from the 26th annual St Patrick’s Day 5K Irish Jog next month will be heading their […]

Students offer free advice to small businesses
(CNS): Students from the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) are honing their newly emerging business skills by working with established small businesses facing challenges that they might be able to help resolve. The Student Consulting Programme is a partnership between the commerce ministry, UCCI and Cayman National Bank which matches participating small business owners […]

Sports pioneers celebrated on National Heroes Day
(CNS Local Life): A total of 316 honours were bestowed on pioneers in sports at the National Heroes Day 2018 celebrations yesterday, including nine “Early Pioneers”, 79 “Pioneers” and 26 “Emerging Pioneers; 168 were given “Long Service Certificates” and 34 were placed on the “Memorial Scroll”. Two people, a Department of Environment conservation officer and […]

Cops return from BVI post-hurricane deployment
(CNS): The last group of RCIPS officers who were sent to the British Virgin Islands to support law enforcement officials there in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria last September came home this week. The return of the seven officers, who remained in BVI over the holiday period, marks the end of the RCIPS deployments […]

Wants to see regular political polls
In the US and UK (and presumably most other countries) there are companies that organise, collect and then subsequently distribute general polls on specific issues and policy within the government, one of the major things in my mind that is missing from Cayman (except for specific polls done leading up to elections). Are there any […]