Governor takes in BT Heritage Day

Governor Roper meets students from Savannah and Bodden Town primary schools
(CNS Local Life): Bodden Town Heritage Day on Wednesday, 7 November, marked Governor Martyn Roper’s first trip to the Eastern Districts. He was met at Gun Square by the district’s MLAs who welcomed him to the Islands’ former capital. Minister Dwayne Seymour; Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Alva Suckoo; MLA Anthony Eden; and MLA Christopher Saunders joined the governor on the visit, stated a press release.
The group talked to members of the public and took in food stalls and standing installations, such as the wooden caboose which now houses domestic exhibits.

Martyn Roper speaks with Miss Josie Solomon
Former Speaker of the House, local historian and Bodden Town resident, Mary Lawrence gave the governor a brief tour of the Nurse Josie’s Senior Centre. As well as viewing many of the artefacts at the old people’s centre cum historic home, Roper met students from Savannah and Bodden Town primary schools.
The youngsters sang “This Little Light of Mine,” for the career diplomat and had group pictures taken with him.
“Bodden Town Heritage Day was a great chance for local residents to meet their new governor in an informal setting,” said Seymour in the press release. “We look forward to him visiting the Mission House, Pedro Castle and all the other attractions our district is known for.”
While talking to stallholders, the governor tasted some turtle. He also interacted with the Savannah students. Roper then met distinguished Bodden Town residents including pioneer nurse and the seniors centre namesake, Miss Josie Solomon.
Category: Community