Celebrate Cayman promotes acts of service

(CNS Local Life): Celebrate Cayman has initiated a national campaign to encourage 60 acts of service over the weekend of 1-2 June. During this time residents and visitors across all three Islands will work to transform their communities. While the 60 acts take place over just one weekend, the spirit of the event is expected to be long lasting, said a press release.
The Celebrate Cayman team was commissioned last year to coordinate the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Cayman Islands Coat of Arms. The idea for this new campaign is to inspire people to act and support change, innovation and transformation by converting the temporary weekend projects into long-standing and meaningful events.
“Ultimately, we want every person in the Cayman Islands and those that visit us to get involved with the Celebrate Cayman 60 Acts of Service and feel a deeper and long-lasting connection and appreciation for the Cayman Islands and its culture,” said Alfonso Wright, executive chairman of Celebrate Cayman. “This can also start a culture shift of national pride where we are a community of people who share the same love for the Cayman Islands and express that love through active citizenship.”
The 60 acts of service will be based on the features of the Cayman Islands Coat of Arms: the pineapple, turtle, thatch rope, lion, waves, stars and Cayman’s motto, “He hath founded it upon the seas.”
Actions taken under the theme of the pineapple will include public spaces and recovery while those under the turtle theme will include animal welfare, the press release said. The thatch rope themes will cover arts and culture; the lion, health and wellness; waves will include sustainability on both land and sea; stars, the solidarity of community engagement; and Cayman’s motto, to bring people “closer to religion and spirituality”, the release said.
Participants are encouraged to respond to the needs of the community “to make our Islands a better place in which to live, work, play and foster networks. These acts are to be non-partisan, not commercially driven and no finances are to be collected,” the release said.
Those in charge of the projects are responsible for designing, creating, funding and launching their projects as well as ensuring the safety of those involved and any cleanup required at the end of the event.
In return, Celebrate Cayman will provide project promotion; recognition, guidance and support; a toolkit; and unifying project work T-shirts; as well as help highlight the projects in the media through “citizen journalists”. There will also be a participant appreciation event at Government House on 8 June.
Those interested in taking part have until 28 May to register, with the citizen journalists encouraged to sign up by 17 May, with a workshop set for 28 May.
Projects submitted to date have included a silver thatch palm tree planting; beautifying a South Sound park and beach; reviving a quincentennial community monument; food and toiletries delivery; an evening of inter-faith dialogue; a quiz night; and even a dance party.
For more information, go to the Celebrate Cayman website
Category: Community, Local News