Local News

CAL flights to La Ceiba, Kingston and Miami
Cayman Airways Limited (CAL) has confirmed the schedule for the following additional repatriation flights for travel from Grand Cayman to La Ceiba, Kingston, and Miami:

DVDL offices to reopen Monday
The Department of Vehicle and Driver’s Licensing (DVDL) advises the public that all its office locations will re-open with normal hours of operation, starting on Monday, 13 July. Driving tests are scheduled to commence on July 20.

Phone number and email for TravelTime enquiries
A TravelTime phone number has been made available for enquiries: 649-6913. This will be available from 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. An email address – traveltime@gov.ky – is also available for enquiries.

New Canadian honorary consul for the Cayman Islands
(CNS Local Life): Yves Martel, from Dolbeau in northern Quebec, has been appointed as Canada’s new honorary consul of the Cayman Islands, taking up the post on 1 July. Martel, who has been living in the Cayman Islands for six years, will work closely with the Consular Section of the Canadian High Commission in Kingston, […]

Cayman Turtle Centre reopening this weekend
(CNS Local Life): Everyone on Grand Cayman can enjoy a visit to the Cayman Turtle Conservation and Education Centre from this weekend without the throng of tourists and for a special low entry fee. But visitors are required to bring face-masks, which they will be asked to wear in indoor areas. The CTC closed its […]

Elections Office open for voter registration
Beginning Monday, 29 June, the Elections Office at 68 West Bay Road, George Town will be open to the public Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Wednesday, 1 July is the final day to register to vote or update information to be included in the 1 October Official List of Electors. To assist the public, […]

Treasury cashier open hours
As of Tuesday, 23 June 2020, the Treasury Cashier is reopened for business on the ground floor of the Government Administration Building from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday to Friday. For the safety of everyone concerned, Treasury requires that strict adherence to the safety protocols of wearing a mask at all times and the […]

Self-registration for COVID-19 screening
The Public Health Department is currently offering COVID-19 screening to people employed in administrative and office roles, as well as those working in childcare and teaching. To ensure they have an opportunity to be tested, individuals who work in smaller organisations or as self-employed traders, may now self-register for COVID-19 screening. The register for screening form […]

New ways to submit and pay for services at DG’s office
The Office of the Deputy Governor (ODG) has made it easier for customers to submit applications and pay for services provided by the Office. Applicants for British Overseas Territories Citizenship (BOTC) Naturalisation/Registration, British Registration, and the expungement of criminal records can submit applications via email.

CAL repatriation flights to Kingston and Miami
Cayman Airways Limited (CAL) is continuing to add repatriation flights to Kingston and to Miami from Grand Cayman, in partnership with the Cayman Islands Government.

Registration for government schools closes Friday
The registration for students enrolling in, or transferring to government schools for the 2020/2021 school year will close on Friday, 26 June. The Department of Education Services (DES) urges parents/guardians to register their children/wards by 26 June to guarantee them a space at their zoned catchment school.

Government confirms USA flights for July, August
Government is finalising the details of evacuation flights to the US planned for July and August. The Ministry of Employment and Border Control reminds students heading to school in the US this fall (and their parents) to register online here if they have not yet done so.

NEOC Call Centre closes
While the National Emergency Operations Centre hotline on 1-800-534-6555 has been deactivated, people may email neoc@gov.ky until further notice for answers to any questions they may have about the global COVID-19 pandemic.

HSA prepares to reopen for elective surgeries and outpatient care
As Grand Cayman prepares to move into Level 2 Minimal Suppression of the Cayman Islands’ COVID-19 response, the Health Services Authority (HSA) has begun to initiate its phased plan for the reopening of elective surgeries and outpatient care.

Postal Service offers extended service
The Cayman Islands Postal Service is extending its Grand Cayman open days as of next week. Effective Tuesday, 23 June 2020, three post offices will offer extended hours. They are:

LIFE offers targeted reading for students in lockdown
(LIFE): Studying for Cayman’s school children might be far from normal right now, but they can at least curl up with a good book and practice their reading skills thanks to more than a thousand books that have been donated to children during lockdown through the Literacy is For Everyone (LIFE) programme.