Local mosque invites Cayman to come take a look

(CNS Local Life): The Islamic Society of the Cayman Islands (ISCI) is opening the mosque doors this Saturday and inviting the community to come and see Islam for themselves. ISCI wants people to join them for an open day, when residents of all faiths can explore the mosque as well as the beliefs and practice of those who worship there. The organisers said the goal is to make local people more familiar and comfortable with Islam, a religion constantly associated in the press with a small radical element.
ISCI President Muzaffar Soomro said, “We at the mosque are delighted at the level of interest in this event. We look forward to giving our guests the chance to see for themselves what goes on in the mosque.”
In the spirit of dialogue and friendship, volunteers from the mosque are working to organise the event, which will include talks, a chance to observe prayer in the mosque and the opportunity to ask questions, as well as food and refreshments.
The ISCI has been active since the 1990’s, when the local Muslim community was very small. Over the years followers of Islam have prayed together in each other’s homes but they now have a mosque at the Cayman Business Park, on Huldah Avenue in George Town.
For more information contact Arshid Iqbal, on isci@candw.ky
Category: Events, Local News, Religion
Until we have sat down and broke bread with muslims and had a good run down of what islam is really about we should not judge. As a christian nation, we are quite hypocritical. We claim to be christian yet we condone things in our society that are not correct- allowing carnivals with half naked men and women (even women wining on young boys of perhaps 7 or 8 years old), gay marriages (soon to come), pastors who are involved with young girls in the church, the kkk clan killing blacks, the catholic priests molesting young boys and the list goes on and on.
Before we have an opinion about others, we must know the facts, not only what the mass media shows.
The day we stop pinpointing fingers and tolerating one another’s beliefs that will be the day we will live in peace.
Islam in case you have not realized is centuries old. All the facts are already out there published in the Qu’ran and Hadith. The posts about women in Islam are factual, temporary marriage (Mutah) to get around sex outside of marriage is factual. The beheading, and chopping of hands is factual. Having studied Islam for the past twenty years and engaging various scholars and Imam’s, it is obvious that Islam remains a major religion perpetuated by fear and control.
There is alot I dont like about Islam. The main thing is they dont do anything to stand up to the radical terrorists. If you want to be a muslim thats your choice.
Most Muslims (and indeed most of humanity) outright condemn terrorism.
Islam is the ultimate religion of control. For example a muslim man may marry a non muslim woman, but it is forbidden to be the other way around! The reason is simple, it ensures any children are Muslim.
Women are 2nd class in Islam, but they respond to that by justifying it as ‘protection’. Utter nonsense. Muhammad was a warrior, even allowed temporary marriage while his soldiers were away, so they could have sex legally. It is a side of Islam not spoken about, but there is enough evidence as it was all written down in Hadith. Muhammad married a 12 year old girl and boasted of the sex he had with her. It is a very sick and twisted religion. You could not say the above in places like Saudi Arabia, the penalty is death. This is how islam is preserved, through the fear of death.
No thanks. The blueprint of Islam is to rid the world of non believers (infidels). The Koran is clear on this.
This may be helpful:
Never been to a Mosque? Apprehensive? You needn’t be! Here is just one person’s perspective of his first visit to a Mosque. Do come and visit us on Saturday 25 May 2019. All welcome!
Yes, I have been to several mosques. I am an ex muslim. I left Islam because it is a sick religion
You mean like the Hagia Sophia the Christian church that was stolen by the Ottoman empire?
Heard about the “Christianization of sites” that occurred historically and continues to this day?
There are a dozen of examples to substantiate the above like the closure or conversion of temples and basilica to churches by Theodosius I, the Pantheon in Rome which was once a temple dedicated to the Roman gods but was converted to a church, several mosques destroyed or converted into churches during the Spanish Christian Reconquesta and later the same procedure was applied to many native American temples, the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral being built on an Aztec temple, the numerous Buddhist temples converted to churches in Vietnam, and not forgetting to mention the many mosques in the Balkans converted to churches like the Sveti Sedmochislenitsi Church in Sofia which was a 15th-century Ottoman mosque.