Misc Questions

Who is the actor in film about Long Celia?
I recently visited the Cayman Islands National Museum. It was very interesting and lovely. I was just wondering if you knew the name of the actor who played opposite Long Celia in the video? She looks familiar but I can’t remember her name. Auntie’s answer: The woman in question is Cynthia Hew, who played Sarah […]

What happened to my change?
Has it become the norm not to receive change when paying in cash? This has happened to me, not only in restaurants (where the service charge is 15% or higher), but also in fast food places and even dry cleaners. On occasions, particularly where the change is significant, I have had the embarrassment of having […]

Why Botanic Park entrance fee so high?
I went to the Botanic Park and was asked to pay $25. Nowhere in the fee schedule is there mention of $25. When I protested that I was a resident and had never paid over $5, I was then charged $5 upon proof. Why the demand for $25? Was this legitimate? And why is the […]

Was scholarship opportunity publicised?
On 9 August 2019 an article was published in the local media about three Caymanians receiving a scholarship from Flow. According to the article, “The following day, the students met with the leadership team again for a mix and mingle hour. During this activity, the leadership team evaluated the students to decide which applicants would […]

How does CUC calculate monthly fuel costs?
How does CUC determine the fuel cost multiplier used with kWh consumed to calculate the total fuel cost on the monthly bill? Auntie’s answer: A CUC representative explained how the company determines the fuel cost used as part of the calculation of monthly electric bills, and I think it best to quote the answer directly. […]

Why Christmas cards arrived this summer?
Last week three Christmas cards arrived in my Cayman Brac post office box, two from within the Cayman Islands and one from the UK. While it’s always fun to get Christmas mail in the middle of summer, I’m very curious about where it’s been all this time. Are there deep dark corners of the postal […]

Am I allowed to nurse my baby in public?
Can you breastfeed in public areas in Cayman? Auntie’s answer: This question came in a comment on a story on World Breastfeeding Week, which ends Wednesday, 7 August. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel that this far into the 21st century, with all that is known about the benefits of breastfeeding, it should not […]

Does Tara Rivers have AML certification?
Does the financial services minister have the internationally recognised CAMS (Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist) qualification? Or any other designated anti-money laundering qualifications? Is there anyone on her staff who has those qualifications? Auntie’s answer: This question came as a comment on a CNS story last month on proposed laws relating to the offshore sector. I contacted […]

Why weather forecasts not more accurate?
With all the equipment and manpower that Cayman has, why can’t someone produce an accurate weather prediction? Miami can pinpoint a shower to the exact minute. Why can’t we at least get the days correct? Auntie’s answer: It seems to me that weather forecasters have always been among the most-maligned professions. If someone predicts a […]

Where are Rundown and Gimistory?
What happened to Rundown this year? First Gimistory disappeared, now Rundown? I’ve really enjoyed both over the years and am dismayed over the loss. Auntie’s answer: Right off the bat, I want to assure you that neither of those productions has disappeared, though you are right that they have not been put on in their […]

Why does DoT sign have wrong web address?
I took this photo (see below) Saturday (6 July) thinking it’s odd that the Department of Tourism or whoever is in charge of this sign registered caymanisland.ky instead of caymanislandS.ky. Turns out they didn’t, caymanislands.ky forwards to visitcaymanislands.com. However, the URL printed on the physical sign takes you to the “future home of something quite […]

What to do with medicine and eyeglasses?
How do I dispose of medication and old eyeglasses? Is there a better way than to throw them in the trash? Auntie’s answer: Now that is an interesting question that I’ve not encountered before. The answer to the second part is yes and no, which I will explain. When it comes to medication, there really […]

How much should I tip grocery baggers?
After living in Germany, the US and Panama I have learned there are different ways that grocery stores handle the bagging of groceries. In the US and Germany the store clerk bags the groceries, or in times of high traffic there are “baggers” that provide the service as part of your purchase. In Panama, there […]

What can be done about Humane Society flood problem?
Every time it rains the Humane Society gets flooded. Why doesn’t Dart do something humane and provide them with a safe and dry environment? Auntie’s answer: Yes, the Humane Society is unfortunately very prone to flooding, and not surprisingly the shelter was hit very hard with the downpour this week. In fact, a staff member […]

What are good foods to store for a hurricane?
I need advice on what food to purchase as the hurricane preparedness plan suggests. I don’t buy canned food so don’t know how it tastes. Can you advise which canned food has good caloric and nutritional value and also tastes good? Auntie’s answer: First of all, kudos for not generally eating canned food and for […]

How do I protect my creative work?
How do you copyright artwork or designs that would go on, say, t-shirts, mugs, etc? Auntie’s answer: If you had asked me this question four years ago, I would have said simply, “You don’t”. However, Cayman’s intellectual property (IP) regime has made great strides since then. If you want an overview on how things have […]

Why are name and address details of crimes not published?
Can you explain why the local media (CNS included) does not publish the exact name and location of accidents, robberies, police arrests etc.? Media seems to have no problem identifying people who are involved in water sports incidents. It would be helpful to know that individuals living near XYZ condos should be on the lookout for […]