Ask Auntie

No time limit on attempted murder charges
What is the statute of limitations on attempted murder in the Cayman Islands? Auntie’s answer: There is no statute of limitations on charging someone with attempted murder or many other serious indictable crimes that are classified as A offences in the Cayman Islands. People who are charged with crimes that fall into this category would […]

Police need to ticket disabled spot offenders
Can you confirm the RCIPS policy towards people parked in disabled parking spots? There have been reports that the RCIPS will endeavour to contact the owner of the vehicle to ask them to move before sending a patrol vehicle to ticket the offending vehicle. Here is a copy of one such report posted on The Blue […]

Querying cost of flight to Little Cayman
Please find out why Cayman Airways Express Service charges more to fly to Little Cayman than to Cayman Brac. As far I know, Grand Cayman to Little Cayman is a shorter distance, and Cayman Airways does not pay any landing fees for Little Cayman but do pay for Cayman Brac (or is supposed to). Auntie’s […]

Complaining about high taxi charges
I have anecdotal evidence (and seen some copies) of taxi bills that excessively charge visitors. One taxi charged $300 to move eight people from The Ritz to Calypso Grill, and others have charged $25 per head, even in a taxi with other passengers, to move short distances up and down SMB. What protections do our […]

Getting online access for licence renewal
For online driver’s licence renewals do you really have to go in to an actual DVDL location to ‘get a number’ to be able to renew your licence online? And if so, I think the DVDL have missed the point about online services! On the government e-services portal, it says, “ESID (required to register for online […]

Doesn’t want paper phone directory
I am sick of people leaving promotional junk on my doorstep. I religiously recycle everything it is possible to recycle in the Cayman Islands and strongly object to having these magazines, leaflets and whatever — which I call unasked for garbage — left for me whether I want them or not. The latest culprit is […]

More confusion over new licence plates
I know that DVDL is telling people to come pick up their new licence plates. To replace them, we are supposed to bring in our old plates, logbook and windscreen coupon. I’m confused why we have to peel off the old coupon to get our new plate. Seems a waste of time to do that […]

Puzzled by naturalisation and Caymanian status
I am confused about what is required to apply for naturalisation versus status in Cayman. What is the difference between the two, which comes first, and what is the criteria to apply for either? Auntie’s answer: Similar queries have popped up from time to time and I definitely expect to receive more questions on this […]

Expressing condolences to strangers
Is it appropriate to offer condolences to people who are not your friends, family or even acquaintances? Online condolences to complete strangers? Kim Cattrall’s response to Sarah Jessica Parker has made me think about etiquette for expressing condolences. Auntie’s answer: For those of you unfamiliar with the reference in the question, and without dwelling too […]

Who controls public access to the beach?
I have received several questions regarding beach access and since the answers are related, I am including all three queries here: 1. I would like to know, and I think the public should know also, who has power and authority to change our public beach access? 2. Is it legal for CPA to give Dart […]

Upset by well-known person drinking and driving
On various occasions when I’m out at night, I’ve seen a very prominent person in a bar drinking heavily. I know he drives himself home. I think he’s clearly a danger to himself and others, not to mention he’s setting a terrible example as he’s someone who holds a high position. What should I do […]

Wants information on police traffic unit
Do we have a count of how many of the 407 RCIPS (343 enlisted, 64 civilian) are engaged full time in the Traffic Unit? How much of the more than $30 million/year we pay is apportioned to that unit, and how do they rationalise that expenditure? Is there an annual report or statistics that can […]

Derelict vehicle needs to be removed
A car has been abandoned down my road. It hasn’t moved in six months, has a flat tyre and the coupon is out of date. I contacted the traffic department at the RCIPS and they determined that it hadn’t been stolen and told me what I have to do next. This is the bit that I […]

Puzzled by new vehicle coupons
I am totally confused with this new DVDL coupon thing. My wife got her new plates and renewed her vehicle licence to December 2018. The new fiddly little coupon clearly shows 2017 and DVDL tells me that’s correct. Why would it not show December 2018 as the new expiry date? I’m totally confused and as […]