RSSAsk Auntie

Upset by drivers using cell phones

Upset by drivers using cell phones

| 04/10/2017 | 9 Comments

There seems to have been a large increase in the number of drivers on mobile phones in recent months (even more than usual). I rarely undertake a journey without seeing at least one driver holding their phone out in front of them whilst driving. Other jurisdictions such as the UK are clamping down heavily on […]

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Worried about dangerous drivers in neighbourhood

Worried about dangerous drivers in neighbourhood

| 03/10/2017 | 6 Comments

I live on Old Crewe Road and have lived there for a number of years. Lately, I have noticed more and more cars become extremely aggressive in their driving, some going over 50mph and passing other cars on the road going nearly as fast. With this road being a residential road, also having a school […]

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Insurance obstacle preventing necessary treatment

Insurance obstacle preventing necessary treatment

| 03/10/2017 | 7 Comments

I need an expensive procedure which is over the limits of my health insurance. I have negotiated a reduced price with the hospital if I pay them cash. However, my insurance company refuses to authorise me to proceed with the treatment, saying they will only reimburse the hospital directly, not to me. This means that […]

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Regulations on child labour

Regulations on child labour

| 01/10/2017 | 2 Comments

What age can children start working and is there a restriction on the hours and times? Auntie’s answer: I asked the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) for help with your question. For the first part, an official explained, “There is no minimum age restricting when a child may start working.” However, there are […]

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Unhappy with CIREBA’s commission rate

Unhappy with CIREBA’s commission rate

| 28/09/2017 | 22 Comments

In a recent case in the UK six real estate agents were fined £370,000 for colluding in fixing their commission rates at 1.5%. An article can be found about it here. This practice is against the law in the UK and many other countries. In Cayman the standard commission rate is set by CIREBA and for most […]

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Calendar for Older Persons Month

Calendar for Older Persons Month

| 27/09/2017 | 1 Comment

As of this posting, 26 September, I note that the official CIG Facebook page lists the calendar for Older Persons Month – for October 2012! Why is this page five years out of date, and more importantly, what is the calendar for 2017?? It’s taken me 60+ years to “qualify” for this, yet I can’t […]

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An Auntie success story

An Auntie success story

| 25/09/2017 | 4 Comments

Does writing to Auntie about a problem or concern actually make a difference? Auntie’s answer: First, a confession: I wrote that question. But in my defence, I had a good reason, so keep reading. While I cannot say that I can always find the answer to a question or solve a reader’s issue, sometimes the […]

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Please don’t park by double yellow lines

Please don’t park by double yellow lines

| 21/09/2017 | 14 Comments

Just out of curiosity, don’t double yellow lines mean you can’t park there? Every time I cross Smith Cove, there is a line of cars parked along the double yellow lines and I have yet to see a police car attempting to move any of them or issue tickets for illegal parking. Maybe I’m mistaken […]

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Disputing fire lanes marked by condo

Disputing fire lanes marked by condo

| 20/09/2017 | 31 Comments

I was trying to go to Seven Mile Beach on Sunday and I saw a beach access by Christopher Columbus condos going into West Bay. When I pulled to the roadside by the beach access, I saw signs on the condo complex wall stating the roadside was a fire lane and parking was not allowed […]

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Maximum hours for construction workers

Maximum hours for construction workers

| 17/09/2017 | 5 Comments

How many hours a day can a construction worker be on the job? Is there a limit? Auntie’s answer: I took your question to the Department of Labour and Pensions to see if they could help. Unfortunately, a department official explained that the Labour Law does not cover exactly what you are enquiring about. The […]

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What size knives are allowed in Cayman?

What size knives are allowed in Cayman?

| 13/09/2017 | 32 Comments

I just want to know what the legal size limits are for knives here in Cayman. I’ve seen a few knives overseas that I would like to get, but I don’t want to get in trouble with customs. I’ve tried asking a few people here, but the answers vary a lot. So is it blade […]

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Reselling duty-free cigarettes

Reselling duty-free cigarettes

| 11/09/2017 | 9 Comments

A friend of mine travels regularly to Florida. Even though he does not smoke, on his return he always brings a carton of duty-free cigarettes. He in turn sells the cigarettes privately in Cayman. I’ve told my friend that this may be illegal and it could affect his work permit if he is stopped by […]

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Taking cats through airport security

Taking cats through airport security

| 08/09/2017 | 20 Comments

We will be leaving Cayman in a few months time and will be taking our two cats, adopted from the Humane Society, with us. They’ll travel in carriers as our carry-on baggage. I’ve read all the rules for the airline and for pet export, and import to the other country. I’m wondering about security at […]

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Interested in getting cannabis oil

Interested in getting cannabis oil

| 06/09/2017 | 14 Comments

The FDA just admitted cannabidiol (CBD) is beneficial and it is legal in the US to sell and ship cannabis oil containing CBD. Does anyone on the island sell it? If not, would Cayman customs allow it to be imported? Auntie’s answer: A related question has come up before concerning insurance for treatment with CBD […]

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Concerned about cruelty to animals

Concerned about cruelty to animals

| 05/09/2017 | 10 Comments

Who decides what is animal cruelty and what is humane? Why is it inhumane and illegal to kill a blue iguana but it is OK to hack a green iguana to death with a machete? Why is it humane to keep a small cage packed full of land crabs in the hot sun for days […]

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What are the rules for using Segways?

What are the rules for using Segways?

| 05/09/2017 | 46 Comments

1. Should the Segways that go along West Bay Road use the road or the pavement? I have seen pedestrians forced into the road when they are on the pavement, but also deliberately hold up traffic when they are on the road. 2. I have been seeing Segway tours being conducted on the sand on Seven […]

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CUC smart meters and emissions

CUC smart meters and emissions

| 31/08/2017 | 17 Comments

How dangerous is the radiation from CUC’s smart meters? Also, how far away should the meters be from frequently used rooms? Auntie’s answer: I can understand your concern, especially as every day something else seems to get added to the list of electronics that can be harmful. The radiation referred to is the electromagnetic frequency […]

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Paying pension for a small business

Paying pension for a small business

| 30/08/2017 | 0 Comments

I have a question on small business pension requirement. If you are working but not receiving a salary as you are putting everything into making the company a success, what are your pension responsibilities and how do you determine the amounts? Auntie’s answer: To clarify this question, I confirmed with the reader that he is […]

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