Civil Service

Civil service aims to rebrand image
(CNS): The Cayman Islands civil service has launched consultations to develop a five-year strategic plan to create a new image for government workers. One of the sessions, held on Cayman Brac earlier this month, brought together about 60 civil servants and external stakeholders.

Computer Services head retires after 31 years in gov’t
(CNS): Gilbert McLaughlin, the director of Computer Services, who has been with that government department for 31 years, retired on Friday, 9 October. He joined the department as a programmer in 1984, after completing his bachelor’s degree in computer science, and became its head in 1997.

Customs claims employee of the year
(CNS): Assistant Collector of Customs Gidget Powell, who has served in the same department for 26 of her 29 years in government service, has been named Employee of the Year for 2014-15. Deputy Governor Franz Manderson, who selected Powell from among the 12 employees of the month over that period, presented her with the award […]

Courts staffer moves on to higher calling
(CNS): Long-serving Judicial Administration employee Janis McLaughlin will tally her cash for the last time on Wednesday, 30 September, to become a full-time minister of religion. McLaughlin has served as one of the cashiers at the finance counters of the Judicial Administration for 13 years, and has worked at the courts for more than 18 of the […]

IT staffer is “it” for April
(CNS): Known as a “go to” person among government senior management for any mobile-related issue, computer services system administrator Corey Christian has been chosen by Deputy Governor Franz Manderson as the best performer for April among all civil servants.

DCFS retirees awarded for service
(CNS): The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has honoured three long-serving employees for their dedicated service. Eileen Sanguinetti-Codlyn (29 years’ service), Barbara Gee, (23 years) and Delva Mattocks (20 years), who have all retired, were recently recognised at an event at the Golden Age Home (GAH) in West Bay.

DG wants a healthy civil service
(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson has launched the CIG Wellness Committee to foster better health within the civil service. Manderson will head the committee, which grew out of the Pedometer Challenge Committee, a group that has run successful fitness events in previous years.

Immigration officer takes top honours for June
(CNS): Senior Immigration Officer (Enforcement) Darwin Elvis Cook Bodden has been named top government employee for June. In announcing his choice for best worker, Deputy Governor Franz Manderson praised Bodden’s exemplary efforts and his ability to coax the best individual and collective performance at work.

Archive employee records top staff award
(CNS): General records assistant Tyrone Yen of the Cayman Islands National Archive (CINA) has been named the top civil servant for July. During his 17 years of public service, his employers said that Yen has maintained a high calibre of customer service, and displayed professionalism in all interactions with clients.

Brac officers get emergency lifesaving training
(CNS): The RCIPS recently delivered an updated and intensive Emergency First Response Training course on Cayman Brac. This was the first training of such intensity and degree in emergency response to be delivered on the Sister Islands, and to include officers from other law enforcement agencies — five Customs and two Immigration officers — in […]

Interns gain entry to immigration work experience
(CNS): This summer the Department of Immigration has hosted 18 interns as part of the government’s work-experience programme for college and high school students, with their employment running from 7 July to 31 August. Through work in various sections of the department, the interns are gaining an in-depth awareness of the functions of immigration. These […]

Double honours for Commerce Ministry employee
(CNS): A business services officer in the Ministry of Commerce has been awarded both for her work in her department and in the civil service as a whole, for the month of May. Thais Ducent received the chief officer’s award as the ministry’s best employee, and the deputy governor’s nod as the top employee in the […]

Government celebrates bumper crop of summer interns
(CNS): Ministers and officials recently attended a farewell reception for the 120 interns who have worked for government this summer. Welcoming the attendees, Gloria McField-Nixon, chief officer of the Portfolio of the Civil Service (PoCS), noted that this year’s internship programme exceeded the target set by Deputy Governor Franz Manderson to provide work experience for […]

Civil service makes colourful donation to Kiwanis
(CNS): The Kiwanis Club of Grand Cayman last week celebrated 40 years of service with a “Dress for a Cause Day” fundraiser, raising about $500 in donations from civil servants, which will benefit youth projects in the Cayman Islands.

Fire Service stresses safety for recruits
(CNS): Cayman Islands Fire Service recruits received extra training in job safety at a two-day course organised by the Department of Labour and Pensions. The occupational safety and health (OSH) course emphasised three core areas: safety management, job-hazard recognition and job-hazard analysis, which involved creating safety controls.

DG’s charity race a runaway victory
(CNS): The Deputy Governor’s 5K walk/run set a new record for donations, raising $50,000, more than double the $20,000 goal organisers had set to benefit Special Olympics Cayman Islands (SOCI). The funds will be used to assist Special Olympians and chaperones in representing the Cayman Islands at the World Games in California in June.

Public sector steps up to help Nepal
(CNS): The public-service sector has joined local fundraising efforts in aid of Nepal, with Deputy Governor Franz Manderson recently presenting a cheque for CI$4,690 to Cayman Islands Red Cross (CIRC) Director Jondo Obi, representing donations from civil servants, staff of statutory authorities and government companies, and members of the Legislative Assembly.

Pair of civil servants honoured
(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson has recognised two civil servants as top employees for February and March, naming Fire Service Divisional Officer Witney Tatum and Needs Assessment Unit (NAU) Higher Executive Officer Justin Ebanks, respectively. In choosing Tatum, who is stationed on Cayman Brac, the deputy governor lauded the officer for setting a fine example and […]