Tag: Elections Office

Update on voter registration and referendum verification
The deadline for voter registration for the 1 October 2019 Official Register of Electors has been extended until 8 pm on Tuesday, 2 July 2019, to accommodate the public holiday on 1 July. Persons seeking to register as electors may do so at the Elections Office in Grand Cayman. Persons seeking to register in Cayman […]

Elections Office staffer voted top employee
(CNS Local Life): Gina Whittaker has been named the Cayman Islands Government’s Employee of the Month for September, recognised as the most appreciated. She earned this distinction as a result of the praise she has received from both external and internal clients, stated a government press release. Her job title is receptionist/ID technician in the […]

Budget for the General Elections
Can you please enquire on the budgeted allocated to the Elections Office for the recent 2017 elections and also enquire on the actual cost incurred? Auntie’s answer: I was able to get half of your question answered and decided not to wait for the rest since this is a timely topic. But I also want […]

Does right to be Caymanian equal right to be a candidate?
Can a Caymanian status holder stand for election? There are many resident expatriates and they really should have a voice in the LA. In the UK there are a large number of MPs of various ethnic origin reflecting the racial background of the voters. Auntie’s answer: Once more, the very prompt and helpful Elections Office […]

Special needs voters trained in casting ballots
(CNS Local Life): For the first time ever, a group of special needs voters have received training in how to cast their votes in the General Elections set for Wednesday, 24 May 2017. An Elections Office team of six, led by veteran trainer, Rupert McCoy, showed 14 out of 21 registered voters with disabilities at […]

Not happy schools lose time as polling stations
Are you able to find out if it is mandated that where schools are being used as polling stations they must close for a half day the day before the election and if so what is the justification? I cannot fathom that it takes half a day to set the venue up for voting and […]

Vetting the Register of Electors
The Elections Office has been working commendably to encourage as many young persons as possible to register to vote. This registration drive seems to include Caymanians who are 17 years old and will turn 18 before Election Day. Young persons who are Caymanian “by entitlement” under the Immigration Law appear liable to automatically lose their […]

Conviction for dishonesty and running for office
On your latest question of ex-convicts running for political office – can you provide additional information on the point of dishonesty? Is there a requirement for that person to have served 12 months? Is it connected to the other sections of the constitution on eligibility that precede it? Can a spent conviction for dishonesty mean the […]

The right of an ex-convict to stand for election
Can an ex-convict run for political office in the Cayman Islands? Auntie’s answer: The elections questions continue in the run-up to May. Once more, I approached the Elections Office, an Ask Auntie Award winner, for help. The Cayman Islands Constitution sets out the qualifications and disqualifications for running for office but as the Elections Office official […]

Concerned that electoral roll contains addresses
Why does the Elections Office publish registered voters’ names and home address on its website? Surely this is an invasion of privacy. Is it law that they must do this? If not, can they just publish the names without the address? I feel sure this fact alone would deter some people from registering. Auntie’s answer: […]

Switching to single-member constituencies
A member of staff from the Elections Office came round to my house a few weeks ago and while she was there I filled out a form because I have moved district since the last elections. But when I checked the revised voter list today, my name is still registered for the district where I […]

Residential requirements for candidates
Does the candidate have to live in the area for which he is running? What happens if a district doesn’t have anyone wanting to run? Auntie’s answer: There have been several election-related questions of late, and I expect more to come as we get closer to May 2017. I have to say I am encouraged […]

How to vote if not here on Elections Day
Are we allowed to vote by absentee ballot in Cayman? Auntie’s answer: Well, this seems a particularly timely question considering what we have just witnessed from our neighbour to the north. I am a strong believer in every vote counting, no matter the size of the electorate, so that is certainly true here in our […]

Accounting for campaign contributions
Do campaign donations from private individuals or entities to parties or candidates in the upcoming election have to be made public? If so, where can we find this out? If not, how do we know that the party receiving donations has not made promises or actually given out favours for cash? Auntie’s answer: The Elections […]

Elections Office begins voter count
(CNS): More than 160 Elections Office enumerators started the process of going door to door Saturday, 27 August, to ensure a proper count of voters on Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. Elections officials will conduct this exercise through the end of September, visiting all buildings in the Cayman Islands to obtain a thorough […]

Why does electoral roll include occupation?
Why is there an “occupation” column for registered voters? Why does that nondescript identifier matter to anyone? Is that for corrupt campaign managers so they can more easily identify who can be bought or not? Auntie’s answer: I can understand your cynicism since over the years I have heard the whispers, and often shouts, up […]

Wants to be removed from register of electors
How do I “de-register” to vote? No longer wish to be on electoral roll. Auntie’s answer: I am afraid I have bad news for you. Once you are on the electoral roll, you basically cannot be removed. However, as the nice people at the Elections Office explained to me, there are exceptions to the whole […]

Registering new address with Elections Office
I have moved since the last general elections and want to register my new address with the Elections Office. Having managed to find the correct form on the Elections Office website (which totally sucks and navigation is beyond rubbish), it says at the bottom, “Where the elector has changed his or her place of residence […]