Tag: Iguana cullers

Cullers reminded of responsibilities
The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service and Department of Environment are issuing a reminder to registered iguana cullers and members of the public regarding the requirements and responsibilities of iguana cullers participating in the DoE’s ongoing Green Iguana Cull.

What to do about unwelcome cullers?
Every day this week there have been cullers, armed with guns, on my property. They have arrived on foot, by car, parking on my land, and even by boat. They do not ask permission. They are uninvited, unwelcome, and trespassing. I have to tell them to leave — I do not like confronting armed men. […]

Who do I contact if I spot green iguanas?
How do you report green iguana sightings on Grand Cayman? I have done some online research and there are phone numbers for Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, but I cannot find anything for Grand Cayman. Auntie’s answer: The Department of Environment (DoE), which oversees the green iguana culling programme, maintains a list of all the […]

Why are there green iguanas at the Turtle Centre?
In January we took our young grandson to the Cayman Turtle Centre, where he enjoyed holding a turtle and going on the waterslide. As we were sitting near the swimming pool, I was surprised to see a number of green iguanas on the ground and in the trees nearby. As well, it appeared to me […]

Do iguana cullers carry liability protection?
Can you find out if those who have registered to cull the green iguanas have liability insurance? No one I know doing this will talk about that. Auntie’s answer: The issue is a bit complicated and the answer not that straightforward. I received an explanation from the Department of Environment (DoE), which is in charge […]