Tag: Roundabouts

Should I stop on roundabout for an ambulance?
According to the Road Code of the Cayman Islands, 2012, Section 3.11.5 , no vehicle at all is permitted to stop on a roundabout for any reason. If that statement is indeed true and the law, what does it say about stopping to let emergency vehicles through? I once had to suddenly stop on a […]

Road signage by roundabouts
I am glad to see that the NRA is putting up signs and painting arrows on the roads leading to the (Butterfield) roundabout from all directions. Hopefully this will educate the drivers that don’t already know how to properly use roundabouts. Unfortunately, I think they have the signs and arrows wrong in one spot, which […]

Unsure about roundabout right of way
When exiting the Butterfield roundabout (by AL Thompson’s) heading to Camana Bay, who has right of way to merge, if two cars are turning off at the same time? I understood it was always the right-hand lane which had priority, but my Canadian work colleague believed it was the inside lane who had priority. Auntie’s […]

Arrows on roads for navigating roundabouts
Is there a way to request arrows being painted on the roads just before entering the roundabouts to provide guidance to drivers on how to use them properly? Auntie’s answer: I am all for giving drivers as much help on the roads as possible, in particular when negotiating roundabouts, since there seems to be too […]

Uncertain about rules of the roundabout
Can you settle an argument in our house, please? Is it OK to change lanes while you’re going round a roundabout? Auntie’s answer: The answer is a definite no. Once you are in the roundabout, you should stay in your lane until exiting. However, based on what I have seen from drivers in Cayman, there […]