Archive for February, 2019

Up close with: Chambria Dalhouse
(CNS Local Life): Chambria Dalhouse, at age 18, has already accomplished an impressive amount. As a boxer, she has represented the Cayman Islands internationally, taking gold at the 2017 Caribbean Development Championships held in St Lucia, and reaching the quarterfinals that same year at the Youth Commonwealth Games in the Bahamas. She is also a […]

Are the police ATVs allowed on the road?
I see the police are going to be using ATVs. I am wondering if they will be driving these on the road as well as the beach. Can you find out? Auntie’s answer: As you note, the RCIPS recently purchased two all-terrain vehicles to be used for patrolling the beach and off-road areas. The police […]

Education officials visit top-scoring nursery school
(CNS Local Life): Following the recent excellent grade awarded by government school inspectors, Little Trotters Farm and Nursery was visited by a contingent of education officials to present the certificate to Principal Josie Hoare. Ministry of Education Acting Chief Officer Cetonya Cacho was among those touring the nursery, in which 86 children are enrolled, on […]

Proof of residency when returning to Cayman
As a Caymanian I recently travelled to Jamaica using my British passport on which I encountered resistance as I attempted to check in at the Cayman Airways counter in Kingston. The supervisor immediately asked that I show proof of residency in Cayman in order to board as I have no stamp in the passport to […]

Pampered pooches get chance at forever home
(CNS Local Life): A recently opened dog daycare has teamed up with the Cayman Islands Humane Society to give shelter dogs a “staycation” and an opportunity to get adopted into a permanent home. Claudia Pilat, co-owner of Cay 9 Resort and Spa, said the programme offers one dog a week a “platinum spa package” which […]

History students get photo of John Gray
(CNS Local Life): Year 11 Caribbean history students at John Gray High School (JGHS) this week received an official photograph of the late Reverend John Gray, for whom the school was named. The occasion was made possible through the efforts of the Cayman Islands National Archive, as well as the loan of a photograph from […]

Trinity awards scholarship to two Cayman students
(CNS Local Life): After a “difficult” selection process, Trinity College School (TCS) of Ontario has for the first time decided two Cayman students, Carmella Ylagan and Aidan Hew, would share the Cayman Scholarship. In early January, representatives of TCS came to Cayman to test and interview students entering grades 9-12 who had applied to the […]

Why can’t we recycle all plastics?
I attempt to recycle everything I can and even make product choices based on packaging. My question is, since all the recyclables are shipped off island for processing anyway, why are we only recycling types 1 and 2 of plastic through the DoE? Surely it would be to Cayman’s benefit to send everything we can […]

Proud of Them: Greyshell Bent and Shannon Williams
(CNSLocal Life): To introduce the public to the latest crop of Proud of Them recipients, the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, Agriculture andLands is releasing biographies of the 10 young people recognised. Greyshell Bent earned the distinction for community service and Shannon Williams for academics.

Coco Fest raises $2k for Meals on Wheels
(CNS Local Life): Close to 2,300people took part in a celebration of all things coconut at the annual Coco Fest held Saturday, 9 February on the grounds of Pedro St James. In addition to showcasing coconut-inspired food, drink and activities, the event raised almost $2,000 for featured charity Meals on Wheels.

Teaching civics in schools
I just read that a CNN poll found that 12% of American adults had never even heard of Mike Pence, which suggests that about 30 million voters have no clue who the vice president is, let alone what he stands for, which is astounding. That made me think, is civics taught in Cayman schools, such […]

CCMI begins healthy reef campaign
(CNS Local Life): Following on from last year’s International Year of the Reef outreach efforts, the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) has launched its “Healthy Reefs” campaign. Throughout 2019, CCMI will work to “spread the love for healthy reefs” to a variety of audiences comprising watersports and dive operators, students, teachers, tourists and general members […]

Girls mentoring programme launched
(CNS Local Life): Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of the Cayman Islands, in partnership with John Gray High School (JGHS), has launched a new group-mentoring programme for young females: “Go Girls!”. The initiative, designed for girls ages 11-13, focuses on physical activity, balanced eating and self-esteem.

George Town’s U11 boys pick up first win
(CIFA): Focus resumed on the Boys and Girls Under 11 age groups as the Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) youth leagues continued this past Saturday, 16 February with a full schedule of games at the Annex Field. After opening the season with two losses in the Boys Under 11 league, George Town SC I secured […]

Attorney honoured for volunteering
(CNS Local Life): The Family Resource Centre (FRC) has selected specialist family attorney Hayley McCall as their 2018 Lee A. Freeman recipient. The award, for “selfless acts of time and dedication to the Legal Befrienders’ Programme,” is named after one of the service’s staunchest volunteers and has been presented annually since 2011.

Outdoor lights disturbing the neighbourhood
Recently one of my neighbours put up some very bright security lights in his large backyard. The lights are on very high poles and the way the lights are aimed they not only illuminate his yard but a good portion of others such as mine. It is like living next to a sports stadium all […]

Good sports at George Town Primary
(CNS Local Life): George Town Primary School students had a chance to show off their skills in track and field during two days of sports held at the adjacent Annex Field. Several government officials were on hand to encourage the youngsters as they competed in various events at their inter-primary sports competition on 7 and […]

Cayman Prep footballers shine in Jamaica tourney
(CNS Local Life): Cayman Prep and High School (CPHS) recently took a group of 27 students to the American International School of Kingston (AISK) and made a strong showing at the six-a-side SoccerFeva tournament, which hosted schools from all over the region. In addition, CPHS student Molly Kehoe, member of the winning girls’ team, was […]