How to thank CUC for customer service?

I just had what I consider a remarkable experience! I was using the CUC website to ‘Add an Account’ over the weekend and had difficulties with entering the correct information in a couple of cells. I kept getting an error message no matter what I entered. I left an email message – ‘Please Help!’
I got a call just now. The woman insisted on walking me through the process; she would not get off the phone until I got that second account registered online. I was impressed with how professional she was. She really wanted to make certain that I was satisfied! Where can I file this compliment?
Auntie’s answer: You certainly have started my week off well. As much as I look forward to helping readers with their various issues and problems, being used as a conduit for good news does make me feel good.
It also made me realise that while most companies dealing with or serving the public provide a way to register complaints, I cannot recall any of the websites offering a button to click to say something nice. I suppose that is a sad commentary on present-day society. As you noted, you considered it remarkable to receive such good service.
But either way, I am happy to report that to offer a compliment to CUC, you can email Gueva Richards, supervisor customer service, at and Nichelle Scott, manager customer service, at
I am sure the helpful staff member will be very grateful.
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Category: Ask Auntie, Misc Questions
Pay your bill on time and keep it moving!
She must have spoke to Briony Gallogos – she the best!
Well, sorry to rain on your parade, but this is how it is supposed to be. No special thank you required for people doing their job. A grocery store clerk helping you find a product, delicious bread someone baked, a nurse/doctor with excellent bedside manners, a bank employee returning your call, they’re all doing their work.
the compliments are usually due to the low expectations we have of customer service here, so when we receive anything that resembles good service we are in comokete shock!