Is being Caymanian an excuse?

When did “I’m a Caymanian” become an excuse for rude, obnoxious and generally anti-social behaviour? This last weekend was a wonderful time to be out enjoying Cayman’s natural beauty, at least it was until Monday, when a group of drunk, loud yobs up at Cayman Kai turned up their ghetto blaster to full volume and when asked politely to turn their music down, one replied, “I’m a Caymanian and I’ll play my music as loud as I want.”
Well, I’m a Caymanian too and would never think to spoil other people’s enjoyment by such an ignorant and selfish act. What a wonderful impression for all the visitors, and especially children, who had their peaceful fun in the sun day ruined by these selfish fools.
Auntie’s answer: I almost don’t know where to start, but I guess I could give you the short answer first: there is no good excuse for such poor behaviour, and certainly being the “home” nationality does not legitimise acting like a boor.
Of course, there are good and bad people from every country, but I have never encountered anyone claiming they had some sort of right to be rude and obnoxious because of where they were born.
I think we all should be upset by that behaviour and ashamed that the yob in question actually believed being Caymanian gave him (though I suppose it could have been a woman) carte blanche to do whatever he wanted in public, regardless of whom it might disturb.
One of the greatest things about Cayman is what I believe is the well-deserved reputation of how nice those of us who call this place home are. I have heard that from friends who have visited as well as from tourists I have met.
We can all only hope that what you describe is a very isolated incident, but I also would have liked to know what your reaction was to that ridiculous comment. I feel that idiot deserved to be slapped, but that would definitely not qualify as Caymankind, and I know I would have resisted that temptation.
I welcome any suggestions from readers on how they would have handled the situation, and wish everyone a peaceful, yob-free weekend.
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As a (white) expat who has lived here for 6 years, I can honestly say I’ve never met a Caymanian who wasn’t extremely well mannered. Sadly I’ve been on the receiving end of disgusting rudeness from fellow expats. Particularly lawyers. What is it with expat lawyers here? Tax them I say!
My wife and I volunteered at the Beach VolleyBall on the weekend.
She worked in the paid seating area, her ONLY RUDE encounter all weekend was with a member of the CAYMAN National Beach Volleyball team who kept insisting that as he was a member of the team his female entourage ought to accompany him into the paid stand without tickets because he is caymanian and plays on the team, so his guest should also be allowed to enter free.
BS and fake news once again… but remember the two ladies who were representing the cayman islands actually are from Canada and the US respectively. Maybe this guy was in the same position. So before careful when throwing around this “caymanian” narrative to suit your racist prejudicial agenda.
The world (including Cayman) is full of rude people.
I had a similar experience and I am Caymanian and the person was an expat. I was crossing the road between the Cinema in Camana Bay and the parking lot. Because I know that drivers are picking up an dropping off passengers I usually try to make eye contact with the driver prior to crossing just to ensure that they have seen me. This particular expat (lady) was moving at a crawl pace and looking into the parking and not the direction her vehicle was moving. I tried to get her attention but she was not looking in my direction. Because she was moving very slowly, I felt that I could make it across to the road to the parking lot safely. She however in that second sped up and refocused her attention in the direction she was moving. She had to break suddenly when she saw me. I gestured to her by pointing to my eyes then the road to say “pay attention to the road”. Her reaction was so aggressive, as if to say I should not have pointed out that she was negligent in not paying attention. I was really taken aback that this was her immediate reaction and not of one of relief that her 60,000 ton SUV had not run over a person.
My message is that this bad behavior is not limited to Caymanians which seems to be the tone of this thread. I encourage my fellow Caymanians to post their experiences of similar obnoxious behavior by expats.
And you knew she was not Caymanian because….?
This is the norm in Camana bay. I’m terrified to cross the road most of the time. Especially during lunch and CIS pickup times where the traffic is at its peak.
I’m with you. I’m from England and am embarrassed by some of my fellow expats.
I have NEVER in three+ years seen a white person park their car alongside the traffic cones and no parking signs outside Fosters at Countryside but every single day that I go there (at least four times a week) the area is blocked by cars driven by Caymanians and Jamaicans. Don’t be silly now and ask how I know they are not British, American or Canadian, we all know how to identify west indians of the sort I am talking about. And on two occasions, I have seen well known local youths mouth off police who challenged them about their parking in no parking areas. In New York, the cops would have “dealt with” them. Here they were intimidated and as i watched did nothing. So it’s ok to do it again. Ah so it go.
I have lived here for almost 50 years and although I have heard or read about incidents such as described, it has never happened to me………… except once, about 20 years ago.
I had parked in front of a business place in George Town. On completion of my brief time doing business there I left the premises to find a car parked behind me, blocking me in. After about 10 minutes a lady (lady?) arrived, looked at me, and opened her car door. I said to her something like ” did you have to block me in for 10 minutes”. Suddenly I was the culprit, and she descended into scream mode telling me about my colour, nationality, and rudeness in speaking to her the way I did. The occasion left me shaken and sad, but fortunately this was and still is the only time it has happened to me.
People need to realize that a lot of these events are questionable and total bs to begin with and only serve to fuel the divisions further between expats and locals or create the division altogether. For example look how many people are now commenting about having “similar” experiences with those awful “caymanians” ! It’s amazing that the entire community nowadays (over 160 nationalities here and counting) shares the view that a “caymanian” is loosely defined at best in modern times and every person shares a different opinion on who is a “true caymanian”. Yet when it comes to a supposed negative event that involves a “caymanian” some people magically seems to develop a skill set to immediately recognize and differentiate between a true “caymanian” and a foreigner, visitor, tourist etc.
The question is somewhat rhetorical. Almost everyone would agree this behaviour is not acceptable. The question is why do some Caymanians feel the need to state their nationality? I do not know the answer but in my opinion we are on the verge of a rebellion. Caymanians have long been abandoned by their politicians (unless you are wealthy). The government has failed to offer vocational training facilities to bring more electricians, plumbers, mechanics and the like into the work force. Caymanians in high positions appointed by cronyism and nepotism, prefer to hire expatriates, they are easier to control and help eradicate the threat of a smarter Caymanian coming along to take their comfortable postion and life style. Not all Caymanians can or want to be lawyers and accountants. Caymanians are feeling the pinch of being pushed aside and perhaps, just perhaps is the reason we are seeing this anti social behavior.
Could we please stop with the yob usage on this site.Especially since it is only being applied to Caymanians and is just another stupid foreign import
A wrong act is wrong regardless of who is the wrong doer. I suggest that you call the RCIPS the next time someone is breaking the law. Statements like “majority of…” are personal opinion, how can one possibly know the majority of Caymanians. While everyone is entitled to their personal opinions and every group has it’s “bad apples”, the Caymanians that I know would never behave in such a manner. I believe that they represent the majority of all Caymanians, nevertheless, I do not and should not claim that as fact.
Why is it that these people only complain about Caymanians as if all expats are saints. Whrn are you going to complain about the treatment of Caymanians by expats.
I am Caymanian comment is heard in the workplace at least 3 times a week. It’s embarrassing really. The next one is if .you don’t like us leave. Cayman is an island of immigrants. No one owns cayman
Blah blah, all that coming from a Brit, Filipino or worse an American. FFS
1.17pm – that’s not an answer! That’s just childish. Make an argument if you’re going to respond.
The point of this article is that there are rude, stupid people everywhere.
On the subject of Rum Point I experienced the worst attitude from one of those I got your automatic gratuity servers there. Without running the risk on being wrong where she is from, I will leave it at that; but people will know who I am talking about.
Won’t be going back there anytime soon.
I am not a Caymanian, but a regular visitor since the late 80s due to Cayman’s chill civility. I’d hate to think that’s changing.
Sign me J Shoemaker Greensboro, NC
I am not Caymanian, but own a condo in Rum Point. One Sunday I had the pleasure of watching a group of young women make their way from the Rum Point Club over to our complex’s pool and proceed to use the washroom and then setup on the lounges and jump in the pool.
When I approached them and advised that the pool and washroom were not open to the public, I was educated that that they were Caymanian and this was their country. Therefore I shouldn’t be upset that they were trespassing on private property, it was their natural right.
I agreed they were partially correct, about their nationality, but mentioned I wasn’t aware private property rights only applied to Caymanians.
I guess I learned something new that day.
Besides being rude and entitled, the other cause is the complete lack of enforcement. If a 6 year old could hit an adult at will with no repercussions, what would stop them from repeating the behavior? Exactly the same thing here. They know the police will say nothing to them, there will be no ticket or arrest.
We can legally shoot trespassers in America. American, Caymanian, Canadian, or illegals.
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
That sort of BS used to happen regularly when I lived on island…local kids thinking they had some divine right to use the pool in your apartment complex. Sad thing is nobody felt you could say anything to them for fear of reprisal….
My island….
I am a “paper” Caymanian who has had status for 37 years. I have a Caymanian born mother and grandfather. This entitled attitude has been around since the 80’s and has only gotten worse. Because I do not generally speak like a Caymanian or have the attitude that a majority of “born” Caymanians have, I have often been taken to be a foreigner and received the same treatment that others have spoken about.
Caymanians are not what they used to be. They no longer have the work ethic that they used to. The majority of Caymanian (35 and under) are rude, entitled, ignorant and lazy and refuse to take any responsibility for their actions. Believe me, there are nicer, safer and less expensive places to visit than Cayman. So they better change their attitude.
Unfortunately it is NOT just the 35 and unders!!!
2.38pm I bet you don’t like or hang out with other locals . Of course only locals are ignorant and rude
It became an excuse about 20 years ago when the police stopped enforcing various laws against locals. Sure, a Jamaican will get busted for speeding, or a Brit for being drunk and disorderly, but bust a Caymanian for being a public nuisance, never!
12.54 “the police stopped enforcing various laws against locals. Sure, a Jamaican will get busted for speeding, or a Brit for being drunk and disorderly, but bust a Caymanian for being a public nuisance, never! “Not the first lie you have told I am sure.If all these Brits are being bustrd why aren’t they neing brought to court.
The police have allowed a general lawlessness to take hold in aspects of our society. It ranges from the simple (window tint and failing to indicate on round-abouts) to the more technical (fronting and domestic violence). It might not have been intentional, but the lack of effective enforcement for decades is is undeniable. We should not be surprised by the consequences.
You only need to visit Rum Point on a Sunday to realize there is a Flock of Yobs just like this one. Good thing he didn’t say I can get you kicked off this Island, which I have heard in my 30+ years of being here.
I have had this same attitude on 2 occasions but the one that sticks in my mind is when a Caymanian woman hit my car and did a ‘Hit and Run’. It just so happened that it took place outside my apartment and I witnessed from my upstairs window and seemingly, the woman had dropped her mother off to visit someone, as she came back later ( I had already called the Police as I had taken her license number). In the meantime I had asked (who I later found out to be) her mother who was standing right there, if she had seen what happened (which clearly she had).. she lied and said ‘no’.
The woman arrived and shortly thereafter, the Police arrived and whilst she was being interviewed by them, the mother approached the daughter and on the way, started cussing me out and saying “Well you’ze not no Caymanian anyway” – (like that had anything to do with the reason her daughter had hit my parked car !) … I said well actually, I am ( my family goes back to Slave days so are probably more Caymanian than she is)….She then retorts ” Well unna must be from Cayman Brac then..”
I am still baffled as to why this woman thought that cussing me out as someone she incorrectly ‘thought’ was not Caymanian had anything to do with her daughter’s liability or why she would ‘slight’ her fellow Countrymen simply because they are in Cayman Brac. I just don’t know what that was meant to achieve instead of correctly apologizing for lying about the accident however……
I did ignore it at the time and I was very fair to the woman in allowing her to pay the lowest estimate which she quickly paid as she was absolutely at fault, hitting my parked car – hopefully she/her mother will be more gracious with other people in the future.
Thumbs down to the ‘thumbs-downer’ – some idiots just hit the downer button for the hell of it – because they have no reason or argument – no point of view, nothing that they can disagree with …. so let’s just troll ! – oh well !
This is not an isolated incident. This is an attitude. Read “Airport Security – Super Strict on the Way Out” post on trip Advisor. And as usual, the poster was attacked from all sides by true Caymanins.
I put that title in the search bar for GCM and nothing came up. Please be more specific on the title? Or has it been removed??? Wouldn’t want any bad press for immigration…
Wow! Found it…
[I live here and travel frequently]
I haven’t read them all yet but I agree that the security people at departure (of which NONE are Caymanian) are extreme and not nice about it at all. In fact, downright rude. There is NO reason to be so unkind. Maybe a power trip?
HEY GCM SECURITY: We are not all trying to get away with terrorism!!! Like, really, what is the deal???
You really need to give them some further training. They even harassed my 80yr old mom as she left a while back.
As a note, I just returned from the USA and the security at departure was SO friendly and kind. None of my little bottles were in a ziplock and none were taken from me. They were in a small clear zippered makeup tote. I had a ziplock in my carry on in case they were as mean as Cayman security.
I actually walked away with a smile.
I am sure they were instructed by their Caymanian bosses to give foreigners hell on their way out. The most absurd thing is WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO FIND?????? A bullet in a wallet?
Ummm, a bomb? Wake up and be grateful for their diligence, although maybe their attitude could improve. We place our lives in their hands. I am glad they err on the side of “strict.”
Get a life! A visitor flying out would have a bomb in his/her wallet?
Why not? What makes Cayman immune from global terrorism? The low numbers of Americans flying on the aircraft?
What is your proof? We need to love and respect each other as human beings created by the same God.
From reading the comments, it doesn’t appear they were attacked by “true Caymanians”, rather other regular visitors and perhaps some Cayman residents. Also, she was not attacked, others merely pointed out the need to follow the rules. She seemed to believe that the same security protocols that apply in the United States (and the same lax approach) would apply in Cayman. Sadly for her, Cayman follows much more rigorous security protocols that are devised in the UK.
Yeah,yeah,yeah. Read the posts that follow her comments. All 58. Like vultures TA “fixtures” go after her and sing your kind of song. She responds to that as well. Don’t think you are the smartest a$$ who knows and follows all rules. Others just idiots in your opinion who doesn’t freaking know anything about lotion bottles rules. Hospitality is hospitality. Can’t confuse it with bigotry and xenophobia.
“I’ll make your experience hell, because I can” attitude. While airport security may be not Caymanians per se, they represent the Cayman Islands and work under orders of Caymanian leaders.
Sadly the case in point (26/04/19) is not isolated. It happened to me last year in almost identical circumstances. Some young Caymanians decided to drop anchor in Water Cay right off my dock and started playing extraordinarily loud music. After about 30 minutes I politely asked them if they would kindly reduce the volume or move somewhere else. The verbal abuse I was then subjected to was unprecedented in my experience. I was informed in the crudest possible language, that this island was theirs and I was a mere visitor.
I am a Permanent Resident of this country and have owned a home here for 20 years….I don’t feel like a “visitor” !!
Do we have a growing social problem? You bet we do!!
@10:12/- You’re not a visitor. Anyone who chooses to live in Cayman for 20 years is one of us, a Caymanian. We should be happy that foreigners want to live and invest in these islands. Cayman would not be what it is without our immigrants, skilled and unskilled, and we should all be grateful for their contributions to our Islands.
I hear this excuse all the time, and have been hearing it for years. Sad.
I get the same thing when my neighbour’s dog poops on my property (a daily occurrence since the gate which I bought to keep them out broke). “My dogs are Caymanian and like me as a Caymanian, they have the right to go (and implied poop) anywhere they want”!
Oh really?
Grass is always greener… Maybe fix the gate?
Take the dogs to the pound either yourself or call the dog catcher. If the owner doesn’t pick them up in x days the dogs will be euthanized. However, I truly haven’t seen the dog catcher out in years.
We can all only hope that what you describe is a very isolated incident,
Wake up