MRCU suspends aerial spraying due to Sahara dust

| 24/06/2020

The Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) advises the public that aerial spraying in response to heightened mosquitoes levels will be paused due to conditions brought on by the Sahara dust plume. This is to prevent material released by MRCU planes binding to the dust and rendering that material much less efficient in controlling biting mosquitoes. 

Truck spraying will continue as the material sprayed is released at ground level and therefore not impacted by dust in the upper atmosphere. Due to current weather conditions, the trucks are most effective to continue fighting the recent increase in mosquitoes. 

The public is reminded these mosquitoes are not disease carriers but can wear safe, environmentally-friendly mosquito repellent for their comfort if they wish. 

Once the plume passes, aerial spraying will recommence. 

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