Ask Auntie
Insurance companies take away drug choices
How can a doctor prescribe a medication to treat a chronic illness and an insurer then decide they know better than the doctor and choose not to cover it? What is even more infuriating is the Big Pharma alternative is three times more expensive than cannabis oil and has so many side effects yet they […]
Legal entry needed for pregnant partner
If I am Caymanian and my partner is not but is carrying my child, how can I get my partner here legally? Auntie’s answer: Unfortunately, your situation doesn’t actually fall into a specific category under the law, a Department of Immigration (DOI) official explained, also pointing out the usual paths to gaining entry to Cayman, […]
CNS offers help to job seekers
Here is my dilemma: I am Caymanian. I have a good application packet that includes my resume, my immigration status, my police clearance, cover letter…everything the different ads seem to require. I have applied for at least 100 jobs in the last four months, and despite having everything that is required and being well qualified […]
Mapping rights of way in Cayman
Could you please tell me where we can get a copy of the public access/rights of way for the entire island of Grand Cayman? Where do we find these?
Using cannabis oil in Cayman
I have elderly relatives in the US whose pain issues have been relieved by the use of CBD (cannabidiol) oil. Are we allowed to use it here in the Cayman Islands? If so, what is the process for acquiring it? I also find that there is a general lack of understanding of what CBD oil is, […]
Wants refund on school fees
I have enrolled my three young children in one of the private schools in West Bay. We weren’t happy with the school and transferred them back to their old school but the West Bay school is telling us that they have a rule of no refund. We paid an annual tuition fee for all three […]
OfReg’s oversight of water companies
(Auntie): On Monday I answered a question from a reader who had received an eye-popping bill from Cayman Water (see Consumer hit with US$25K water bill), and said that I had contacted the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg) for its input and would let readers know when I heard from them. Given the public interest […]
Regulating use of spear guns
What are the current laws on importing spear guns or spear gun parts? Can any Caymanian with a clean police record obtain a spear gun licence? Auntie’s answer: I contacted the Department of Environment (DoE) and an official explained that the spear gun licensing programme is being updated to take into account the amendments that […]
Consumer hit with US$25K water bill
I just received a whopping US$25,000 water bill from Cayman Water due to a water pipe break on the outside of my home. I contacted Cayman Water to ask why they did not bother to contact me when they saw my bill increase from the normal $80 average that I pay per month and why couldn’t […]
What does the Transplant Council do?
Do you know what the role of the Human Tissue Transplant Council is? Or purpose? Auntie’s answer: I have recently written about organ donation which mentioned the council (see Wants to register as an organ donor). Since that column, Gina Berry has been named the chair and council members have been appointed. The main functions […]
Wants to buy new seabed maps
Will the public be able to purchase the new seabed maps recently put out by the UK? If so, how much will they cost and where will they be available? Auntie’s answer: While the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has given new information on the seabed to the Lands and Survey Department (see New seabed map […]
Not happy with airfare to Sister Islands
I have a question on airfare cost to the Sister Islands. Recently, Cayman Airways (CAL) increased the return airfare from Grand Cayman to Cayman Brac by approximately US$12 if you’re travelling directly between CB/GCM. However, if your flight happens to stop in Little Cayman (you’re not getting off, just passing through to GCM or CB), […]
Waiting for approval of cemetery vault
I have been trying for several months to get permission from the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) to build a vault in a private family plot in a public cemetery. My request keeps getting passed from one officer to another without a decision being made. Would you be able to find out how questions such are […]
Worried about emissions from incinerators
Are there laws regulating solid waste incineration units? I am referring to regulations that limit emissions of nine air pollutants (i.e., particulate matter, carbon monoxide, dioxins/furans, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen chloride, lead, mercury, and cadmium) from four categories of solid waste incineration units: residential solid waste; hospital, medical and infectious solid waste; commercial and industrial solid […]