Ask Auntie
Can I relicense car without any plates?
I know there is amnesty for expired vehicle licences. What happens if someone doesn’t have plate number to hand in but can hand in the vehicle logbook? Vehicle logbook will have VIN numbers which they can crosscheck in the system. Will they ask no questions as part of amnesty rules? Auntie’s answer: Under the amnesty, […]
How do I protect my creative work?
How do you copyright artwork or designs that would go on, say, t-shirts, mugs, etc? Auntie’s answer: If you had asked me this question four years ago, I would have said simply, “You don’t”. However, Cayman’s intellectual property (IP) regime has made great strides since then. If you want an overview on how things have […]
Why are name and address details of crimes not published?
Can you explain why the local media (CNS included) does not publish the exact name and location of accidents, robberies, police arrests etc.? Media seems to have no problem identifying people who are involved in water sports incidents. It would be helpful to know that individuals living near XYZ condos should be on the lookout for […]
Are immigration officers capable of assessing medical reports?
Is there anyone at the Department of Immigration/Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman qualified to review and interpret the thorough and expensive medical questionnaires and X-rays furnished for work permits or say, continuation of Caymanian status at 18 (R22)? It seems unlikely that any application could be legally denied on the basis of an immigration employee’s […]
How does UK impose direct rule on a British Overseas Territory?
Under what circumstances would the British Government impose direct rule over one of its overseas territories? Auntie’s answer: I can answer the query in general terms and also offer an example of direct rule being imposed. The process of implementing direct rule is fairly straightforward, though the pathway to reach that point is more involved. […]
How is Cayman protected from receiving counterfeit items?
Would you please enquire if any sort of inspections are in place to catch counterfeit goods from entering Cayman, specifically everyday items such as dish soap and trash bags? I’m convinced that I purchased name brand items in one of our grocery stores that are clearly inferior in quality to the same brand purchased overseas. […]
Are civil servants allowed to sign petitions?
Can civil servants sign a petition to change a law? Auntie’s answer: I have answered a related question before concerning whether a government worker could help collect signatures for a petition (spoiler alert: they cannot). Since your query asks about signing a specific petition, though, I reached out again to Deputy Governor Franz Manderson to […]
Can I carry my own CBD oil into Cayman?
I’ll be travelling from Canada, where CBD oil is legal, to the Cayman Islands on 1 June this year. I’m wondering, since medicinal CBD is legal in Cayman, am I able to travel with it from Canada to the Cayman Islands or do I have to purchase there? Auntie’s answer: First I want to apologise […]
Do I need to prove I am a resident?
I am a Caymanian and was born over 60 years ago. I visited WORC and presented my UK passport (I don’t have a Cayman Islands passport) for a stamp to show proof of residency. I was told that because I was born over 60 years ago it was not necessary for me to provide proof […]
How can I complain about truck noise?
I live near the entrance of a quarry, and the amount of noise of the trucks make is quite amazing. I’ve been told that many of them have been intentionally modified to make them louder, as well as their culture of greeting one another with horn blasts, and using jake brakes. Is there anything that […]
Do visitors still need to get temporary driving permits?
For many years visitors to the Cayman Islands have been required to purchase a temporary driver’s permit in order to rent and/or drive a vehicle. In most cases the visitors purchased the temporary permits from the car rental agency. Recently I have read online that the temporary driver’s permit is no longer required in Cayman […]
What are the investment options for pensions?
Can you confirm what products in Cayman are approved to transfer pensions into? Would be good for the public to know their options, if any, and if there are no options, why has the government sat on this? People are suffering! Auntie’s answer: This question came in a comment on a CNS story last month […]
What is the legal age for adoption?
Can you please clarify what is the age for adoption in Cayman, and what age does the person adopting has to be? I am told you can adopt an 18-year-old person and the person adopting can be 26 years old. Please clarify because if what I am told is true, Cayman has a big, big problem. Auntie’s […]
Can an expat seaman live permanently in Cayman?
I’m a British national working on a ship with three months onboard and three at home. I have a place on island that I want to move permanently into. While I can stay for three months on a visitor visa (and I believe six at the discretion of the immigration officer), is there any sort […]
Why is shipping inter-island so complicated?
If you are shipping a vehicle from Cayman Brac to Grand Cayman for repairs (vehicle purchased on GCM) why does it have to go through customs? There is so much red tape involved. First you have to go to Thompson Shipping in GCM to pick up the paperwork, then drive to customs by the airport with […]
How do I complain about a pension plan?
I worked in Grand Cayman for 18 months, and contributed to the XXXX pension fund. I waited the requisite amount of time, and then submitted scans of my documents prior to mailing them to verify that they were the ones required. It has been over four months, and no one has responded to my request. […]