Ask Auntie
Cannot transfer funds from PayPal to Cayman account
I have funds in my PayPal account that I would like to transfer to my bank account in Cayman. PayPal is really useful for receiving money from countries around the world and I tend to use it a lot. I have previously transferred money from PayPal to a bank account in the US but getting […]
Public bus information needs an update
Whose responsibility is it to maintain and distribute accurate and up-to-date information, schedules and maps for the Cayman public buses? The current route map is not accurate. Did you know there is no more Route 5? Did you know the phone number listed on the public bus website and Facebook page is not in service? […]
DoE looking to fill Brac position
Would you find out if DoE has any plans to replace the former marine officer on the Brac? Auntie’s answer: This question came up in the comments this week under this article: Local grouper sites offer hope for species survival. I contacted the Department of Environment for a response and once more I received a […]
Where do Cayman’s recyclables wind up?
As the US reroutes their recycling to Southeast Asia, rumour has it that Cayman’s recycling (and possibly the rest of the Caribbean’s recycling) is being held in limbo or is costing the Cayman Islands Government more $$$ to ship off Island. I know you’ve answered questions about recycling before but could you find out where […]
Insurance coverage for students
For students (both Caymanian and non-Caymanian) at university in the UK who are covered under the National Health Service and are no longer under their parents’ policy, what can they do for health insurance over the Christmas and summer breaks if they return to Cayman? Auntie’s answer: Returning students, whether Caymanian or non-Caymanian, who are […]
Suspicious of charity’s finances
Do you know if charities (not churches) are monitored on-island or required to do an audit? I am just wondering because there is one charity on-island, which I am concerned about backhanders and siphoning of funds going on. Who does one report this to? Auntie’s answer: The enactment of the Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) Law, 2017 […]
Expired licence for utility company
Is there an update on the new or renewed licence for Cayman Brac Power & Light? According to OfReg’s website, CP&L’s licence expired on 16 December 2018. Auntie’s answer: The question came up in the comments 16 January under this article: OfReg gives nod to CUC plan to ease off fossil fuels. The reader is […]
Victim did not receive police update
Some time ago I was seriously assaulted by someone known to me. The matter was reported to the police and I gave a statement giving details of the assault. Some short time later I became aware that the same person had been arrested for another crime. Since then I have not heard of any charges […]
Food supply to Cayman amid US shutdown
Will the US government shutdown affect food supply to the Cayman Islands? I have also heard that the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has cut back on inspections. Will that compromise the safety of the products that are imported and put out on Cayman’s shelves? Auntie’s answer: I am sure that many people here share […]
Parting ways with your Christmas tree
If you do not place your Christmas tree in one of the bins that the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) has put out by their deadline, what are the options for dealing with the tree? Auntie’s answer: While I can’t really take issue with the 18 January cut-off date to drop off your Christmas tree, […]
Elevator certificates out of date
I have noticed that the expiration date of the elevator certificates in some buildings are long past. How can I report the need for them to be re-certified? Auntie’s answer: If you want to report on an elevator that has an expired certificate you can email the applicable section of the Department of Planning at […]
Obtaining disability allowance
Can you please let me know how a person goes about claiming disability benefits in the Cayman Islands? Is it even a possibility? Auntie’s answer: It is not clear from your question whether you are an employee who has suffered an injury while on the job that is preventing you from working or if you […]
The law and carrying a machete at night
When is a machete considered a restricted weapon and when is it just a tool? Would you detail for us this legislation “possessing a restricted weapon at night”? I don’t recall it from the Penal Code. Auntie’s answer: The question came up in the comments last week under this article: Machete in car lands WB man […]