Tag: National Roads Authority

How do you find out if a road is private?
The road down at the end of my street is in terrible shape. My neighbour tells me there’s no point complaining to the NRA about it because it’s not a “government road”. Apparently, there are roads which are government roads, which government should maintain, and quite a few other roads which are considered private roads, […]
Walkers Road-Olympic Way connector road underway
Motorists seeking access to University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) and the Truman Bodden Sports Complex (TBSC) from Walkers Road can look forward to a significantly shorter journey, now that phase one of the construction of a connector road is underway. A quarter-mile in length, the road begins in the vicinity of Burger […]

What happened to the trees?
All the trees at the roundabout in front of King’s Sports Centre and First Assembly of God are being cut down! And for what purpose, as hot as Cayman is? Auntie’s answer: While I definitely do not like to see any trees cut down, there is no need to panic. An official with the National […]

Why don’t we have traffic lights at crosswalks?
Why didn’t the NRA put walk/don’t walk pedestrian crossings to stop the situation that one pedestrian crosses, gets to the other side, another one starts to cross… cars still waiting… that pedestrian crosses then two more decide they want to cross, etc. It would make much more sense to have this synched so traffic moves […]

Traffic lights need buttons for pedestrians
Why is it that the pedestrian crossings in central George Town have not been outfitted with the button-operated lights as has been done for other relatively new crossings? These GT crossings are the most used and these lights would certainly benefit pedestrians and drivers (providing they have a delay between activations) if/when installed. Then the […]

Used cars an unsightly part of West Bay Road
I know this question has come up before, but why can’t the National Roads Authority properly police the parking of “For Sale” vehicles opposite Queen’s Court? Every day I pass this collection of cars and realtors’ “For Sale” signs assembled alongside one of Cayman’s most prominent tourist roadways. What a mess.

Unhappy with road repair after trenching
If a utility company digs up a government asphalt residential road to lay piping, are you able to find out what the rules are regarding how they are required to leave the road? Our residential road was dug up all down one side, the company did not replace/cover the trench in the same asphalt but a […]

Central GT roads get safety makeover
(CNS Local Life): A partnership between the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) and the National Roads Authority (NRA) to enhance public safety has improved road markings and traffic signs on the waterfront and in central George Town. Auxiliary Constable Fabian O’Connor (aka the “Dancing Policeman”) has been the driving force on the project.

The rules for merging in traffic
I feel I should know the answer to this, but I don’t. With several roads now with merge lanes it’s probably worth asking. Do the cars in the merging, lesser lane, give way to the main lane, or has it changed like the UK did to “zipper” merging (like a zip) where each car should […]

Cayman needs more street signs
Well, Auntie, since the National Roads Authority is winning all kinds of Ask Auntie accolades and awards, how about asking them to do a better job on road signage, or perhaps ask them about the lack thereof? For those of us who have been around a while and know our way around it’s not an […]

Praise for Crewe Road roundabout
Who, or what government department, was responsible for designing the new roundabout at the beginning of Crewe Road by the airport? I ask because it is working so well, solving a serious problem at a notorious black spot for traffic accidents. I think the designers should get public recognition. Auntie’s answer: The roundabout is the […]

Which department repairs potholes?
Who does one contact to get potholes sorted/the road re-surfaced? Is there a petition-type process to get one’s road re-surfaced, besides having some dignitary live on your street? On a slightly related point, in terms of damage to one’s vehicle as a result of these monster potholes, does the NRA have any sort of liability, […]

Used cars spoiling the landscape
I have noticed in the past week or so that the grass strip across from Queens Court Plaza on West Bay Road has been converted to a public used car lot. Is there not a law or regulation forbidding this type of activity? It makes our island look like a mess. What government agency would […]

Unclear on benefits of Linford Pierson roadworks
Where can I find or what is the plan for the expansion of the Linford Pierson Highway? Unsure how the widening is going to help traffic; won’t it just bottleneck at the Kings Sports Centre roundabout? Auntie’s answer: Our roads are certainly getting a lot of attention these days. Let’s start with the Esterley Tibbetts […]

Aggravated by constant roadworks
I drive up/down West Bay Road four times a day from home to work and for at least nine months now, there has been roadworks of various degrees on the half mile stretch from the mini-roundabout opposite Blue Cilantro to the traffic lights next to the Rubis. I’m at a loss to explain why the same […]

School zone lights and summertime
Why can’t the holidays be programmed into the lights and what do you do in the case of Triple C where there is no school zone end sign? Auntie’s answer: I know we are in the back end of summer, but I still would like to answer your question. I confirmed that the National Roads Authority […]

Puzzled by extra lane on roundabout
The roundabout near the Red Bay Primary School – NRA has just completed rebuilding it and have added a third inner lane. I believe many persons would like to know, what is the purpose of the third lane? The design appears that we can park on the roundabout and use the inner lane as an exercise track! […]

Hurricane exercise goes high tech with tablets
(CNS): For the first time, government inspectors deployed a mobile emergency communications platform to monitor annual hurricane preparations. Using tablet computers, managers provided each other and specialist staff with live updates, as the 2016 shuttering exercise progressed across Grand Cayman. The Public Works Department (PWD) and the National Roads Authority (NRA) led the operations, held […]