Students urged to stand up against bullying

(L-R) FRC staff Racquel Duhaney, Charmaine Miller, Jessica Smith, Brenda Dawkins, Miles Ruby and Erin Hislop
(CNS Local Life): The Department of Counselling Services’ Family Resource Centre (FRC), is inviting students to take a stand against bullying at the STOOD UP Fair 2017. The event, held in partnership with Dart, Hurley’s Media, Rotary Sunrise and local author Paul Schreiner, will take place at the ARC, Camana Bay on Saturday, 21 October 2017 from 9:30am to 1pm.
At the fair, students ages 10-12 and 13-16 will have the chance to showcase their creativity and initiative by developing projects to educate others on the types of bullying, and appropriate responses to bullying behaviour, stated a government press release.
It is hoped that the projects will inspire change within schools and the community. Participants are encouraged to use a variety of display mediums for their projects – posters, display boards, sculptures or 3D displays, paintings/drawings, PowerPoint presentations (three minutes maximum), poems (displayed), or photography.
“We are very excited to host the STOOD UP Fair this year, as we believe it will inspire students by giving them an opportunity to showcase their creativity, originality and critical thinking skills to develop a project that addresses this social issue,” said FRC Acting Programme Coordinator Charmaine Miller.
Submissions must not contain offensive language and should include positive and safe anti-bullying messages.
To enter, all 10-12-year-old participants must pick one of the following themes: “Be A Buddy, Not A Bully”, “Bullyproof Your School” or “The Bully Impact”.
Students between 13 and 16 years old must choose from “Don’t be Mean Behind the Screen”, “Bullyproof Your School” or “Don’t Bully Be CaymanKind”.
First, second and third place prizes will be awarded in both age categories.
All contestants must submit a project proposal by Monday, 16 October. Participants must then create their project and showcase their creations at the STOOD UP Fair.
To register, and for further details, call (949-0006) or email the FRC