Archive for October 6th, 2020

Turtle Centre gets ready to open its doors to the public
Following the passage of Hurricane Delta, staff at the Cayman Turtle Centre (CTC) are busy taking care of the animals, and work on site will continue tomorrow (Wednesday) to reset and prepare the park to be ready for re-opening to the public on Thursday 8th October from 8:00am.

Schools to reopen Wednesday
Further to the ‘All Clear’ issued by the National Hazard Management Council today, The Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, Agriculture and Lands (MEYSAL) has announced the reopening of all schools and the return of its students to onsite lessons across all three islands.

MRCU holds spraying operations
The Mosquito Research and Control Unit (MRCU) wishes to inform the public that the excessive rain and wind has forced spray operations to be put on hold until normal weather conditions return. At this time the MRCU hangar is in use by RCIPS in order to accommodate storage of their helicopter during the inclement weather.