Election Questions

Can I sign a petition if not in Cayman?
How do overseas students who are registered voters sign a petition? Auntie’s answer: This question was asked in reference to the petition calling for a people-initiated referendum on the cruise port project. There is a process in place facilitated by Cruise Port Referendum Cayman to accommodate people living abroad, such as students. Anyone who wants […]

Removing an MLA from office
While I am familiar with the process for removing a premier and the speaker from the speakership, the process for removing an MLA from the Legislative Assembly entirely is unfamiliar to me. Would I be correct in assuming that it includes a formal review and a vote in the LA? Also in the case of […]

Upset by sore losers in election
Is it not considered to be in poor taste and a breach of tradition for a failed election candidate, who was incumbent, to simply ignore his/her opponent’s victory, refuse to congratulate them, and to just continue on “campaigning” against them as if they did not just win the election? Would tradition not dictate that the […]

Budget for the General Elections
Can you please enquire on the budgeted allocated to the Elections Office for the recent 2017 elections and also enquire on the actual cost incurred? Auntie’s answer: I was able to get half of your question answered and decided not to wait for the rest since this is a timely topic. But I also want […]

Does right to be Caymanian equal right to be a candidate?
Can a Caymanian status holder stand for election? There are many resident expatriates and they really should have a voice in the LA. In the UK there are a large number of MPs of various ethnic origin reflecting the racial background of the voters. Auntie’s answer: Once more, the very prompt and helpful Elections Office […]

Not happy schools lose time as polling stations
Are you able to find out if it is mandated that where schools are being used as polling stations they must close for a half day the day before the election and if so what is the justification? I cannot fathom that it takes half a day to set the venue up for voting and […]

Voter has changed address since registering
I have moved to a different constituency since the last voters list was finalised. Will this be a problem when I go to vote in my old constituency? Auntie’s answer: No, because you have to vote in the district that corresponds to your address. A representative from the Elections Office explained, “The elector will be […]

Do Caymanians have a voice in British elections?
As we are now considered British citizens, are Caymanians allowed to vote in the upcoming UK elections on 8 June? Auntie’s answer: Whether you hold a British overseas territories citizen, passport of a British passport or a passport from any qualifying Commonwealth country, you must be resident in the UK in order to register to […]

Election billboard put up without consent
Does a political candidate have the right to erect a billboard on private property without the owner’s permission? There are some who think they do and refuse to remove the signage. Is the property owner allowed to remove the aforementioned signage since they have not approved its instalment and it is an eyesore? I have tried to […]

Rules for putting up election billboards
I was of the understanding that there were rules concerning the signage for candidates in the upcoming election — when signage may go up and when it must be taken down. My understanding is that no signs were to go up till parliament had been dissolved and must be taken down prior to the polls […]