Ask Auntie

Do I have to own property for permanent residency?
I am applying for permanent residency. Is it required that I own property for my application to be successful? Auntie’s answer: There is nothing in the latest related legislation, the Immigration (Transition) Law, 2018, that says property ownership is mandated for an application for a Residency and Employment Rights Certificate to be approved. However, investment […]

Why Christmas cards arrived this summer?
Last week three Christmas cards arrived in my Cayman Brac post office box, two from within the Cayman Islands and one from the UK. While it’s always fun to get Christmas mail in the middle of summer, I’m very curious about where it’s been all this time. Are there deep dark corners of the postal […]

Does government keep tally of Caymanian staff?
When they compile public sector statistics, how do they know if people are Caymanian? From what I have read, there is no central record, and being born here or having a Cayman passport means nothing. Auntie’s answer: This question came as a comment on a recent CNS story on the increasing number of public sector […]

Am I allowed to nurse my baby in public?
Can you breastfeed in public areas in Cayman? Auntie’s answer: This question came in a comment on a story on World Breastfeeding Week, which ends Wednesday, 7 August. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel that this far into the 21st century, with all that is known about the benefits of breastfeeding, it should not […]

Why did I have to fill out a Customs form?
I was in the queue to check in at Miami International Airport the other weekend, and a Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control uniformed officer standing beside the Cayman Airways desk was handing out Immigration and Customs Declaration forms. As a resident and with nothing to declare, I told him I didn’t need to fill […]

Does Tara Rivers have AML certification?
Does the financial services minister have the internationally recognised CAMS (Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist) qualification? Or any other designated anti-money laundering qualifications? Is there anyone on her staff who has those qualifications? Auntie’s answer: This question came as a comment on a CNS story last month on proposed laws relating to the offshore sector. I contacted […]

Why no mobile use in baggage claim?
Could the Cayman Islands Airports Authority cite the regulations in question (banning cell phones at baggage claim)? Why would the world end if people could text “I’m waiting for my luggage now”? Auntie’s answer: This question appeared as a comment on a previous Ask Auntie column concerning wifi at the airport. And if you click […]

Why weather forecasts not more accurate?
With all the equipment and manpower that Cayman has, why can’t someone produce an accurate weather prediction? Miami can pinpoint a shower to the exact minute. Why can’t we at least get the days correct? Auntie’s answer: It seems to me that weather forecasters have always been among the most-maligned professions. If someone predicts a […]

Can I feed cheese to fish in Cayman’s waters?
Is it OK to spray canned cheese into the water to attract fish when snorkelling? I’ll be coming to visit the Cayman Islands soon and I’ve heard that the fish really love that stuff but not sure that is a good idea. Auntie’s answer: Well, from a purely common-sense standpoint, it is hard for me […]

How long can a non-resident homeowner stay in Cayman?
We have purchased property in Cayman and want to build and live in our home hopefully within 8-9 years. Without residency or citizenship, what is the maximum length of time we can live in our home? When can we return? Have the amounts gone up yet to apply for residency? What is citizenship? Would any […]

Why not called for jury service?
How do I know if I am an eligible juror? I keep seeing lists of jurors required for different periods but I never get a notification. How would I get notified? I’ve been a naturalised status holder for seven years now. Auntie’s answer: Although you are a naturalised status holder, you will not be eligible […]

Who do I contact if I spot green iguanas?
How do you report green iguana sightings on Grand Cayman? I have done some online research and there are phone numbers for Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, but I cannot find anything for Grand Cayman. Auntie’s answer: The Department of Environment (DoE), which oversees the green iguana culling programme, maintains a list of all the […]

What is the clearance of Dart’s tunnels?
Is there any reason why the heights of Dart’s tunnels aren’t marked on them like tunnels all over the world? I had to transport a large hi-top van to George Town on a flatbed tow truck and since I didn’t know the height of the tunnels and didn’t want the top of my van torn […]

Can Cayman residents be covered by US insurer?
I’ve just retired and my wife isn’t working. I have permanent residence and my wife is here as my dependent. After being on the SHIC plan through my employer for years and realising it barely covers anything, we were very worried about being able to afford our health insurance in retirement. But we found a […]

Where are Rundown and Gimistory?
What happened to Rundown this year? First Gimistory disappeared, now Rundown? I’ve really enjoyed both over the years and am dismayed over the loss. Auntie’s answer: Right off the bat, I want to assure you that neither of those productions has disappeared, though you are right that they have not been put on in their […]