Ask Auntie
Where to pick up new licence plates on Sister Islands?
What about the Sister Islands? What is the process and where is the pickup of new licence plates? Auntie’s answer: This question came as a comment on a recent column on the issuing of new licence plates. I have to admit that when I saw the question I was disappointed that I hadn’t thought to […]
Will I lose Caymanian status if overseas for more than a year?
Can I travel to Cayman once a year for a week at a time and maintain status? Or once every 2-3 years? Does that work? Auntie’s answer: The law is very clear on your question, but to be sure, I asked an official at Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC), formerly the Department of Immigration. […]
How do I become part of the vendor village?
Who do we contact to get a stall in the Public Beach vendor village? Auntie’s answer: This question was asked in a comment on an article about the planned designated vendor village on Public Beach. I can give you a “who” to contact but the problem is I cannot give you a “when” yet. I […]
How many new licence plates have been issued?
Auntie’s follow-up answer: After a previous column dealing with the issuing of the new licence plates, I asked the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing for clarification on the numbers, since there still seem to be many cars on the road carrying old plates. Among the questions asked were, how many plates have been exchanged […]
How to complain about discriminatory job ad?
A job ad was published in the print news asking specifically for a man (see photo below). The Cayman Labour Law states that discrimination based on sex is illegal yet this company makes being male the first requirement to fill the position. Clearly this is wrong and illegal. But what agency polices this kind of […]
How do you request a new bus stop?
I pass buses everyday who pull over at the yellow crossing on West Bay Road outside the medical school residence hall. Students stand at the crossing waiting for the bus, which is dangerous as cars don’t know if students are crossing or not and it’s an accident waiting to happen. The buses also block the […]
How will Health City deal with waste from cancer centre?
Health City is going to build a cancer centre. Is it going to have a specially designed independent sewage treatment plant that includes disinfection and residue removal zones? Where will final effluent be disposed? Wastewater from hospitals can contain traces of anything from viruses and multi-resistant bacteria to medical contrast agents and chemicals for cancer […]
Why are there green iguanas at the Turtle Centre?
In January we took our young grandson to the Cayman Turtle Centre, where he enjoyed holding a turtle and going on the waterslide. As we were sitting near the swimming pool, I was surprised to see a number of green iguanas on the ground and in the trees nearby. As well, it appeared to me […]
What can be done about price gouging after a hurricane?
I saw your column on dealing with looting after a hurricane, and my question is: What protections are in place to prevent any price gouging? Auntie’s answer: Anyone making money off other people’s misery is truly reprehensible. I can understand that certain circumstances may make it unavoidable to raise prices after a natural disaster, such […]
Can same-sex spouse be granted dependency under work permit?
What happens if the Work Permit Board decides not to grant dependency to a same-sex spouse because they say they have “no power”? What is the recourse one would have to take in that case? Auntie’s answer: This question came up in the comments to a column last week on the rights of same-sex couple […]
What dive sites are affected by enhanced marine areas?
It’s great that the Cayman government and the Department of the Environment plan to significantly expand and enforce the protected marine areas and increase the no-fishing and no-diving zones. I am a diver and will be sorry to lose access to some sites, but it is vitally important to protect this precious natural resource – and […]
Are NPOs eligible for waivers on import duty?
I am a member of one of the local service clubs and we are registered as a non-profit organisation. We sometimes import shirts for our members to wear or other articles to sell as a fundraiser. My question is: What are the rules for paying import duty on those articles which we import? Are they […]
What are the rights of same-sex couples married overseas?
Based on the recent legalisation of same-sex marriage in Cayman, I have some questions. If a same-sex couple, which includes a Caymanian, got married overseas, can the non-Caymanian spouse now apply for a Residency and Employment Rights Certificate? And, if both spouses are Caymanian and they were also married overseas, will that now be legally […]
Can a visitor get cannabis oil in Cayman?
I will be visiting Grand Cayman and my question is, will I be able to purchase CBD oil on the island? I have a legal medical cannabis card here in my state. I had major spine surgery and use CBD oil tincture under my tongue daily for controlling my pain. That said, I can’t travel […]
What’s to prevent looting after a hurricane?
After Hurricane Ivan there was a problem with looting. Does the Cayman Islands hurricane preparedness plan account for this possibility in the event of a major hurricane? It would be nice to feel some degree of comfort that the island would not descend into lawlessness. Auntie’s answer: Hurricane season will be here soon enough (1 […]
Is importing licence-plate covers allowed?
Could you maybe look into why the importation of such (licence-plate) covers is not banned? Auntie’s answer: This question was asked in a comment on a column that ran in January, “Stop obscuring licence plates”. They say timing is everything, so I want to point out that the column in question is from January this […]
Why make it so difficult to see the royals?
I have been reading how there are going to be many opportunities for the public to see Prince Charles and Camilla during the royal visit this week, and we are being encouraged to attend events and greet them. However, I have also read about the numerous traffic diversions and parking restrictions that are being put […]