Book donation breathes LIFE into classroom libraries
(CNS Local Life): In what is believed to be the largest recorded donation of reading material to a government school, the charity Literacy Is For Everyone (LIFE) organised a gift of more than 3,500 books to Sir John A. Cumber Primary School (SJACPS) in December last year. The contribution was the result of a partnership between LIFE, […]
Constitutional Commission statement on Youth Parliament
(Constitutional Commission): The 13 March is Commonwealth Day. It also marks the day on which the Cayman Islands Youth Parliament meets annually at the Legislative Assembly. Hosted by the Cayman Islands Branch of the Commonwealth Parliament Association, the Youth Parliament, which held its first session in the Cayman Islands in 2001, is made up of […]
Nominations open for Proud of Them awards
(CNS Local Life): The public is encouraged to acknowledge excellence among young people by submitting nominations for the Proud of Them award programme. Nominations are open for the next group of recipients who must be between the ages of 10 and 25 years old and deserve recognition for their achievements in academics, sports, their career, […]
Rotary continues work with Guatemala literacy drive
(CNS Local Life): Two past presidents of Rotary Club of Grand Cayman (RCGC) joined directors and staff from the Cooperative for Education (CoEd), together with Rotarians from the US and Canada, in Antigua City, Guatemala, to celebrate the inauguration of a new educational centre on 10 February, part of the Guatemala Literacy Project.
Law school to offer new degree
(CNS Local Life): The Truman Bodden Law School (TBLS) is set to introduce a master of laws (LLM) degree in international finance law and regulation in September 2017. The programme will cover topics including international finance, banking regulation, international insolvency, choice of law and public-private partnerships. Directed initially at Cayman Islands nationals and residents, the […]
Young Caymanians learn sea skills at CCMI
(CNS Local Life): In December, a group of 11 young men took part in the latest Young Environmental Leadership Course (YELC), a programme established in 2012 by the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) in Little Cayman to teach high school students how to be good environmental stewards in their local community. The programme targets year […]
Law school lecturer presents research in Brussels
(CNS Local Life): After presenting her latest research paper on labour regulation clauses in public procurement to a conference in Brussels, Truman Bodden Law School (TBLS) lecturer Laura Panades, an expert in public-private partnerships, has been selected to inform the European Parliament’s policy agenda for 2016-17. Panades is the course leader of the master of […]
Upset by delay in disbursement of scholarships
Why is it still taking the government Scholarship Secretariat so long to give students their funds and school has resumed? We were told at the meeting to submit our semester grades by December 15. It’s now January 7 and not even an email or phone call from them. Is the office being managed properly (I know […]
Church sponsors CXC courses for adults
(CNS Local Life): A local church is funding 30 students for one-year enrolments in a CXC education volunteer programme that offers adults a second chance at a high school education. The Cayman Islands Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is sponsoring the programme, which runs on Sundays and some weeknights at the John Gray High School campus. […]
Applications open for UWC places worldwide
(CNS Local Life): UWC Cayman Islands, the local national committee of the global educational movement, is seeking candidates for its 2017 selection process, which begins with a written application due Tuesday, 7 February. This opportunity to complete secondary studies at United World Colleges (UWC) overseas is available to high-achieving Caymanian students who will be 16 […]
Zak Quappe scholarship lifted with new donation
(CNS Local Life): A local company has donated to the Zak Quappe Flight Scholarship (ZQFS), which aims to support young Caymanians in their quest to earn a private pilot’s licence. The scholarship was established by the family of the late Quappe, a pilot and qualified flight instructor who developed a passion for flying from an […]
Sunrise shows off Christmas spirit
(CNS Local Life): Sunrise Adult Training Centre had a full house for its annual Christmas play, performed Wednesday, 7 December. This year’s production was “The Innkeeper’s Dilemma”, which was set at the fictional Bethlehem Bed & Breakfast. There were 28 Sunrise clients taking part in the play, while all of the centre’s staff were involved […]
Careers fair draws hundreds of students
(CNS Local Life): More than 500 students visited the recent second annual Cayman Academy careers fair, held at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI). Among the displays at the fair, at which 35 public and private entities exhibited, were robotics, drones, test tubes illustrating medical blood work, drug-sniffing dogs, and weather information-gathering tools.
St Ignatius takes double honours in debate
(CNS Local Life): St Ignatius Catholic School students Giselle Ebanks and Viktoriya Bolgova won the recent Conyers Inter-Schools Debate Tournament with their compelling final argument for the statement, “Be it resolved that governments should ban extremist websites”. Bolgova also took individual honours. The tournament brought together 14 teams, seeing the return of students from Cayman Prep, […]
Law students take part in Caribbean legal clinic
(CNS Local Life): Four representatives from the Truman Bodden Law School (TBLS) recently participated in the Caribbean Law Clinic (CLC), organised by the American and Caribbean Law Initiative (ACLI). The Cayman contingent comprised the school’s director of legal studies, Mitchell Davies, and three law students, Craig Thomas, Everton Spence and Danny Shebaclo. The Nova South […]