Tag: Caymanian status

How long can a non-resident homeowner stay in Cayman?
We have purchased property in Cayman and want to build and live in our home hopefully within 8-9 years. Without residency or citizenship, what is the maximum length of time we can live in our home? When can we return? Have the amounts gone up yet to apply for residency? What is citizenship? Would any […]

Is a seaman allowed to apply for an RERC?
I will be applying for Residency and Employment Rights Certificate as the spouse of a returning Caymanian. My question is that I work at sea as a seaman for about three weeks to a month at a time and then I am with my wife for the same time. How would this affect my application? […]

Will I lose Caymanian status if overseas for more than a year?
Can I travel to Cayman once a year for a week at a time and maintain status? Or once every 2-3 years? Does that work? Auntie’s answer: The law is very clear on your question, but to be sure, I asked an official at Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC), formerly the Department of Immigration. […]

Non-Caymanian spouse seeks naturalisation
I’m married to a Caymanian and I’ve been living here for four years. I have a Residency and Employment Rights Certificate (RERC). Am I eligible to apply for naturalisation as a British Overseas Territories Citizen on grounds of marriage? I understand that I need to be married for seven years in order to apply for the […]

Reasons for denial of Caymanian status
When the Department of Immigration (DOI) refuses an application for the granting of Caymanian status, does the board have to have grounds for refusal? Also, are they required to inform the applicant why the application was refused? Auntie’s answer: When the Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Board refuses an application, the reasons for that decision are […]

Puzzled by naturalisation and Caymanian status
I am confused about what is required to apply for naturalisation versus status in Cayman. What is the difference between the two, which comes first, and what is the criteria to apply for either? Auntie’s answer: Similar queries have popped up from time to time and I definitely expect to receive more questions on this […]

Maintaining Caymanian status if living abroad
In your column on Maintaining the right to be Caymanian, you state: “However, if you go overseas for no more than six months in a row for such things as education, health, vacation or business, you will still be considered a resident.” 1) Are you saying that if I were to travel to Cayman every […]

Approval rate for grant of right to be Caymanian
I read that the success rate for Caymanian status applications is way lower than for permanent residence in recent years. Is status approval more or less assured, provided an applicant is naturalised, insured, immigration fees paid up to date and can prove a minimum 15 years uninterrupted residence? Is the decision-making process sufficiently transparent to […]

Eligibility for the ‘Caymanian’ immigration queue
1. If someone is naturalised and gets a Cayman passport but does not yet have Caymanian status, what queue would they use at the airport? 2. I have Caymanian status through marriage but never got naturalised and do not hold a Cayman passport. Do I get to go through the immigration line for Caymanians at […]

Naturalisation and applying for Caymanian status
I have permanent residence and am hoping eventually to be granted Caymanian status. Do I need to be naturalised to get status and/or would it make the process quicker? Auntie’s answer: If you are only interested in a one-word reply, the simple answer is “yes”, you must be naturalised before applying for Caymanian status. If […]

The status of Caymanian status
Why does government use the term Caymanian status holder? Why not just say Caymanian? Should it matter if you were born to native Caymanians or not? We all come from mixed races. Families of immigrants over the years the Caymanians should look at their ancestry. Isn’t it racist to label people as Caymanian status holders? When […]

Clarifying Caymanian status and BOTC
What’s the legal difference between a Cayman national and a British Overseas Territories Citizen (BOTC)? How do you get to be one and not the other and which one leads to being able to get a BOTC passport? I have Cayman status but I’m not naturalised. Am I a Cayman citizen? Auntie’s answer: I have […]

Obtaining Caymanian status through marriage
When a non-Caymanian is conferred status by virtue of marriage to a Caymanian and subsequently divorces their Caymanian spouse, can they confer their status to another non-Caymanian through marriage? Auntie’s answer: The advice on this question from an immigration official is first to check with the Caymanian Status and Permanent Residency Board to confirm that after […]

Applying for a Cayman Islands passport
I have Cayman status through the “right to be Caymanian” through one of my parents. I do not have a Cayman passport. Do I just apply for a Cayman passport? Or do I need to be naturalised? I ask because I have heard both yes and no and some individuals actually had to and some […]

The ins and outs of Caymanian status
What is the difference between being a Cayman status holder and being a naturalised Cayman citizen? Auntie’s answer: Before getting into the specifics of your question, I must make it clear, as was pointed out by an immigration official, there is no such thing as a “naturalised Cayman citizen”; that term simply does not exist […]

Acquiring status for 18-year-old son
My son was born in 1998. I was told by a friend he can apply for status on his 18th birthday. Can you please help get some correct information? Auntie’s answer: I am afraid I cannot offer you the information you seek; I can only lead you to where you might be able to find the […]

Caymanian status eligibility for wife
I am a Caymanian and married a foreign woman four years ago. She has permanent residency and after the seven years of marriage she will apply for Cayman status. Our problem is that I am looking to leave Cayman as it is just getting too expensive to live here, but I will return after I […]