Filing a complaint about a doctor

| 11/10/2016

How do you complain about a doctor who violates code of ethics as set by the American Medical Association by which every medical professional is bound? I would have written a complaint to the state medical board in which she is licensed, but she is licensed in Jamaica and such records are not public in Jamaica.

Auntie’s answer: Your question actually suggests three distinct ways to address your complaint. I received advice on what you can do from the Department of Health Regulatory Services.

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You talked about the American Medical Association (AMA), so let’s start there. If the doctor you are asking about is registered in the US by the AMA and maintains that registration, then she is bound by their Code of Medical Ethics. In that case, the department official said you should complain directly to the AMA, detailing the alleged infraction. Here is a link to AMA FAQs which include information on how to file a complaint. I have to add, though, that it seems you have to address your grievance to a state medical board.

You also mentioned there was an issue with complaining to officials in Jamaica but there is a way to do so. You can write the Medical Council of Jamaica, which is the regulatory body for all doctors registered and practising in that country. Here is a link to their website, which in the “About” section outlines the council’s remit to regulate medical practitioners and investigate any alleged professional misconduct. The site contains contact information for filing a complaint. Howard Spencer is the registrar of the council.

Finally, if the doctor in question practises in Cayman, then any violation would contravene the Code of Conduct for the Cayman Islands Medical and Dental Council. Your recourse in that instance would be to complain to the council by writing to the chairman, Dr Sidney Ebanks at:

Medical and Dental Council
Government Administration Building
Box 132
133 Elgin Avenue
Grand Cayman KY1-9000


Category: Ask Auntie, Medical and Health

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Very informative. Thank you!