RSSAsk Auntie

Lights come on at walking track

Lights come on at walking track

| 24/01/2018 | 1 Comment

I wanted to get an update on the lights situation at the track behind John Gray. Do you know when they will be installed? Still pitch black there most nights. Auntie’s answer: I have received several similar questions regarding the lack of lights at the walking track by the Truman Bodden Sports Complex, and I […]

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Fired civil servant looking to appeal decision

Fired civil servant looking to appeal decision

| 23/01/2018 | 7 Comments

I lost my job in the civil service due to what I believe was a false report filed on me. I also do not think the circumstances of my case were investigated properly. Is there an independent entity that could look into this and if it finds I was unfairly dismissed order my reinstatement? Auntie’s […]

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Wants to see regular political polls

Wants to see regular political polls

| 23/01/2018 | 2 Comments

In the US and UK (and presumably most other countries) there are companies that organise, collect and then subsequently distribute general polls on specific issues and policy within the government, one of the major things in my mind that is missing from Cayman (except for specific polls done leading up to elections). Are there any […]

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Uncertainty over need for visitor’s driving permit

Uncertainty over need for visitor’s driving permit

| 14/12/2017 | 10 Comments

I will be visiting your fine island and saw your earlier article stating that it was no longer a requirement for a US-licensed driver to get a permit to drive in the Cayman Islands. I just got off the phone with DVDL and was told that all visitors to the island have to get a […]

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Can Cayman’s firefighters handle high-rise emergencies?

Can Cayman’s firefighters handle high-rise emergencies?

| 12/12/2017 | 3 Comments

Now that we have taller buildings along Seven Mile Beach are the firefighters trained and able to fight a fire or aid someone on the top floor should such a horror happen? Does Cayman even have a truck with a ladder that can reach the top floors? Auntie’s answer: The Cayman Islands Fire Service has […]

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VIP treatment of MLA at airport

VIP treatment of MLA at airport

| 10/12/2017 | 36 Comments

Today I arrived in Cayman on the same flight as a Member of the Legislative Assembly and his wife.  Why is it that upon disembarking they were taken directly through Immigration and Customs without queueing and then skipped the (very long) line to pay their duty? I’d like to point out that the Member was […]

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Removing an MLA from office

Removing an MLA from office

| 07/12/2017 | 7 Comments

While I am familiar with the process for removing a premier and the speaker from the speakership, the process for removing an MLA from the Legislative Assembly entirely is unfamiliar to me. Would I be correct in assuming that it includes a formal review and a vote in the LA? Also in the case of […]

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Why will airfares be increasing so much in 2018?

Why will airfares be increasing so much in 2018?

| 06/12/2017 | 9 Comments

I have noticed while planning some trips next year that some flights have gone up a considerable amount. Is it just the carrier/fuel or has GCM increased their landing fees and passed the costs onto the carriers and in turn onto me? Auntie’s answer: An official with the Cayman Islands Airports Authority confirmed that they […]

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Receiving child support when father is not working

Receiving child support when father is not working

| 04/12/2017 | 6 Comments

I have a child-maintenance question. You mention attachment to earnings if the person is employed. What if the person is self-employed or unemployed or quits the job just before the first attachment of earnings is due? How does the mother of the child receive the child maintenance owed? Auntie’s answer: This question follows on from a […]

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Injured driver wants to use handicapped spot

Injured driver wants to use handicapped spot

| 30/11/2017 | 4 Comments

What if I have a legitimate injury that makes it hard/painful for me to walk but I am not permanently disabled? Can I use a Blue Spot? Auntie’s answer: Today’s question appeared as a comment on a CNS article about the RCIPS announcing a no-tolerance policy on people who illegally park in spots designated for disabled drivers. […]

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Taking cell phone video on the road

Taking cell phone video on the road

| 29/11/2017 | 1 Comment

Just wondering what the actual cell phone and driving laws are here in Cayman. Is it legal to be driving with your phone on your dash recording a video of yourself ranting on about your latest beefs? Doesn’t seem to be paying attention to the road and can’t you wait until you get home to […]

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Hotel service fees and tipping

Hotel service fees and tipping

| 28/11/2017 | 2 Comments

When staying at local hotels, who are charging a mandatory service fee and also a resort charge, am I correct that the valet would be covered? We did a staycation and once you add all the tips, taxes and resort fees the nightly charge becomes surprisingly high. I felt overly pressured by the valet guys […]

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Are there noise restrictions on home building?

Are there noise restrictions on home building?

| 26/11/2017 | 1 Comment

What are the permitted work hours for residential construction projects? Auntie’s answer: I am guessing your question centres around ensuring that the time you are home is not disturbed by general pounding and other noises related to a house being built in your neighbourhood. Unfortunately, a Ministry of Planning official informed me there are no […]

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New fee on CUC bill needs explaining

New fee on CUC bill needs explaining

| 23/11/2017 | 11 Comments

I noticed on my CUC bill that they have introduced a sixth charge for renewable energy. Is this something new that they are charging their customers for now? Customers have to pay for: facilities charge, energy charge, licence and regulatory fees, government fuel duty and fuel cost, and now this new charge – renewable energy. Auntie’s answer: […]

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Unfinished walls an eyesore

Unfinished walls an eyesore

| 22/11/2017 | 13 Comments

Can you explain to me why there are so many unfinished block walls (fences) on this island? It seems the people can afford to construct these walls all around their property but when it comes to the final stage of painting or finishing it with a texture they just stop. I see walls that have […]

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Driver wants answers on roadblock

Driver wants answers on roadblock

| 21/11/2017 | 7 Comments

Can you let us know why the police are blocking off the road in the morning that connects you to the Newlands bypass (East-West Arterial) and, more importantly, to Prospect Primary School? Auntie’s answer: The police have put a roadblock in place to limit access to Poindexter Road in the morning, a spokesperson explained, due […]

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Inspecting the fresh fish market

Inspecting the fresh fish market

| 19/11/2017 | 10 Comments

Is there any regulation or monitoring of the fish vendors downtown? While the fish always looks fresh, my concern is how long it might go unrefrigerated. Hoping for some reassurance that it is safe to frequent these stalls. Is there any truth to the rumour that these fish are brought in from other countries and not caught […]

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Needs help finding the ombudsman

Needs help finding the ombudsman

| 15/11/2017 | 1 Comment

How do you contact the new ombudsman? Can’t see any contact details on the government website, Auntie’s answer: In the interest of being thorough, I also searched the government website. I found the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the Office of the Complaints Commissioner (OCC), both of which are now part of the ombudsman’s […]

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