Tag: CUC

CUC issues advice on preparations for TS Delta
CUC is presently monitoring the situation as it relates to Tropical Storm Delta and anticipates that there may be isolated interruptions to electricity service overnight due to the projected inclement weather associated with the storm. CUC will be prepared with extra Power Line Technicians, crews and Control Room Operators on standby to respond to customers’ […]

CUC summer programme goes virtual
(CNS Local Life): CUC’s summer interns will take part virtually this year, since in-person work experience is not possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grand Cayman’s power company said in a release that the six-week virtual Summer Internship and Vocational Trainee Programme, which is for students between 14 and 23, provides the opportunity for the […]

CUC bucket trucks to help protect bats
(CNS): With local bats battling against extinction, the National Trust for the Cayman Islands has enlisted the help of Grand Cayman’s power provider to reinstate its Bat Conservation Programme to help support all nine native species. CUC will be providing bucket trucks to help install special bat houses to keep the animals way from people’s […]

CUC scheduled outage
CUC customers on Fountain Road in West Bay will experience interruptions to their electrical service on Friday, 20 September between 9:00am and 4:00pm. Areas affected include all customers north of Agua Lane on Fountain Road including Schooner Lane, Foremast Close, Pembroke Drive, Velma Banks Drive, Banson Drive, Josephs Drive and portions of Finch Drive and […]

How does CUC calculate monthly fuel costs?
How does CUC determine the fuel cost multiplier used with kWh consumed to calculate the total fuel cost on the monthly bill? Auntie’s answer: A CUC representative explained how the company determines the fuel cost used as part of the calculation of monthly electric bills, and I think it best to quote the answer directly. […]

CUC takes Sunrise to the movies
(CNS Local Life): Caribbean Utilities Company volunteers and summer interns hosted members of the Sunrise Adult Training Centre for their annual trip to the cinema in July. More than 35 Sunrise clients took part, choosing to watch the movie Spider-Man: Far From Home, and getting treated to popcorn and soda.

CUC’s summer interns gain professional experience
(CNS Local Life): Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) has taken on 18 high school and college students as part of its annual vocational and internship programme, offering them the opportunity to work in a professional environment while exploring a variety of career options at CUC. Some of the students have been assigned to the corporate setting […]

How to thank CUC for customer service?
I just had what I consider a remarkable experience! I was using the CUC website to ‘Add an Account’ over the weekend and had difficulties with entering the correct information in a couple of cells. I kept getting an error message no matter what I entered. I left an email message – ‘Please Help!’ I […]

Scholarship launched in honour of CUC founder
(CNS Local Life): A new scholarship was launched Wednesday, 13 February, to provide an opportunity for Caymanians who demonstrate both need and academic potential to attain a post-secondary education in Canada, the US or the UK. The Thomson Leadership and Innovation Award scholarship programme was created to carry out the wishes of the late Peter […]

CUC breaks ground on SMB substation
(CNS Local Life): Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) recently held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new Seven Mile Beach (SMB) substation. The SMB corridor will get “enhanced reliability and sustainability” when the new gas insulated switchgear (GIS) substation is completed, which is expected by the third quarter next year, stated a CUC press release.

CUC launches apprentice programme
(CNS Local Life): As part of an ongoing initiative to maintain a skilled workforce, Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) has partnered with Fortis Alberta to launch a new apprentice programme. Four CUC employees are being given the opportunity to receive specialised training as power line technicians at the Fortis Employee Development Center in Alberta, Canada.

CUC takes Sunrise clients to the movies
(CNS Local Life): Volunteers from Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) and members of the Sunrise Adult Training Centre came together for their annual summer movie outing at the Camana Bay Cinema on Tuesday, 17 July. Volunteers and interns from CUC’s community involvement team got the opportunity to interact, and further develop relationships, with members of the […]

Contractors get safety update at workshop
(CNS Local Life): More than 100 people recently attended an annual contractors workshop, hosted by the Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC), which offers updates for local contractors on best safety practices and how to follow guidelines when working near CUC equipment and around electricity.

New fee on CUC bill needs explaining
I noticed on my CUC bill that they have introduced a sixth charge for renewable energy. Is this something new that they are charging their customers for now? Customers have to pay for: facilities charge, energy charge, licence and regulatory fees, government fuel duty and fuel cost, and now this new charge – renewable energy. Auntie’s answer: […]

CUC smart meters and emissions
How dangerous is the radiation from CUC’s smart meters? Also, how far away should the meters be from frequently used rooms? Auntie’s answer: I can understand your concern, especially as every day something else seems to get added to the list of electronics that can be harmful. The radiation referred to is the electromagnetic frequency […]

CUC staff bring children to work
(CNS Local Life): Employees at Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) got the chance to share their workday with their children during the Easter holiday break, for the company’s first “Sons and Daughters to Work Day”. The event was spearheaded by the human resources department, as manager Phil Jackson explained: “The programme provided the opportunity for parents […]

CUC celebrates retirees for long service
(CNS Local Life): CUC recently celebrated three long-serving employees who have retired, with more than 100 years combined working at the company. Kenzel Dixon (44 years), Thomas Bennett (42) and Val Whittaker (27) were recognised for their service, which started during CUC’s formative years. Each of the men worked in four positions during their careers […]