Ask Auntie

Wants to get a personalised licence plate
Any word on the status of personalised plates? Auntie’s answer: There has been a lot of interest of late about the chip-enabled licence plates and the process of exchanging old ones for new ones. As for your question, I have been told by an official with the Department of Vehicle and Drivers’ Licensing that DVDL […]

Curious about white butterflies
On recent trips to East End, I have noticed great numbers of white butterflies, many of which unfortunately wind up hitting my windscreen. Would you be able to find out what they are, why there are so many, is there a specific time of year that they appear and does driving into the swarms significantly […]

Too many police at pedestrian crossing
I would like to know why the RCIPS feels it is necessary to have officers (sometimes three) directing traffic and pedestrians at a junction where there are perfectly operating lights that do this function? I am referring to the junction of Fort Street and Harbour Drive and North Church Street. Having the officer(s) there mimicking […]

New licence plates should have original number
When the DVDL first began switching out old licence plates for the new ones containing a chip, I thought we were supposed to get the same registration number. I recently picked up my new plates and discovered they had a completely different number. It seems easy enough to print a plate with the same number […]

What businesses will be opening at the airport?
What is happening with the awarding of airport concessions at the new Owen Roberts International Airport? Bids were submitted in June last year and awards were due to be made in August. The silence has been deafening ever since. Can you clarify? Auntie’s answer: I have been unable to get all the details you requested […]

Wants to volunteer to help children read
I’ve heard that there are volunteers who assist with reading programmes at the local government schools. I have looked at the ministry and department websites and can see nothing about it and I feel awkward just calling up schools randomly. So my questions are: Is there such a programme? Do they actually want or need […]

Diving back into the Kittiwake
Can anyone advise if the Kittiwake site is open and divers are able to go throughout the ship like previously? Additionally, what is the new depth? Auntie’s answer: Yes, the site is open for divers. For those who don’t know, the USS Kittiwake was a US naval vessel sunk off West Bay in 2011 to […]

Wants to hear steel pan in Cayman
I know that steel drum band music is not as integral to Cayman’s culture as it is to some of the other Caribbean nations, and that the beautiful soca music is more popular in Cayman; but sometimes it can be fun and energising to listen to a great steel drum band perform as you experience your Caribbean vacation. Is […]

Awarding Jacques Scott for going green
(Auntie): One of the CNS team went into a Jacques Scott the other day to buy a bottle of wine and the staff packed it into a paper bag. CNS was told their shops no longer use plastic bags as part of their efforts to be environmentally friendly. The company should be applauded for that […]

The rules for trailers
Is it still a requirement for trailers to be registered and have brake lights? A commercial trailer in front of me today had neither and I was wondering if our police check. Easy enough to do at the public docks when they are driving in and out of the parking areas – putting wave runners and […]

Answering ESO surveys is compulsory
This April the Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) began conducting two surveys: a spring Labour Force survey and a business survey. I understand that answering the questions in the business survey is mandatory, which implies that participating in the spring Labour Force survey is not. However, when a stranger turned up unexpectedly at my door […]

Update on BlueSky Airlines
(Auntie): After last week’s column on BlueSky Airlines (see BlueSky Airlines has dropped off radar) in which I explained I was unable to contact anyone from the company, I heard back from an executive there. What follows is what I have learned from Mark Ellinger, managing director of the airline. BlueSky “remains active in the […]

Removing an abandoned car
A car has been abandoned on our road (number plates, etc, were removed). The police were called but have done nothing. What are the steps to getting this eyesore removed? It is dumped on an empty plot, but I don’t know who that belongs to. I wasn’t expecting to have to spend time to deal […]

Stop serving underage drinkers in clubs
Is there a URL where the public can read liquor licence inspector reports and see who has been signing off on the nightclubs admitting minor children on Friday nights? Auntie’s answer: You have brought up a very important issue that I feel is not a large-enough part of the public conversation. The law may be very clear […]

Why can’t Caymanian architecture be preserved?
I’m new to the island and have been intrigued by the traditional Cayman houses since I saw the wattle-and-daub display at the museum when I first arrived. I don’t see too many around so I was surprised to see one being demolished at the corner of Hospital Road and Elgin Avenue in December. As I walk […]

BlueSky Airlines has dropped off radar
Whatever happened to the much-lauded BlueSky Airlines and their South American destinations? I see the offices are still signposted in Eastern Avenue and the website still up although no executives are now shown. Auntie’s answer: Talk of this airline dates back to 2013, when BlueSky first announced its plan to begin operations, but instead of […]

PPM will need to move headquarters
I just noticed that the PPM headquarters on Crewe Road is for sale. Do we know if they are seeking a new headquarters? Also, can we find out how much they paid for this property when it was bought compared to what it is listed for?” Auntie’s answer: Actually, the property in question at 488 […]

Concerned about official recycling efforts
With all the recent uncertainty surrounding the management at DEH, how can we be sure that what we place in the recycling bins around the island is actually being recycled? Auntie’s answer: I have not yet received a reply to your question from the Department of Environmental Health, but just this morning they sent out […]